When we were born again, the Spirit came into our spirit, and the law of the Spirit of life started to operate in us; we can cooperate with the inner law of the Spirit of life by exercising our spirit to switch on this law so that we can enjoy Christ as the freedom and […]
Exercising our Spirit to Switch on the Law of Life and Enjoy Christ as the Jubilee
Being Safeguarded in our Humanity through Loving the Lord and His Appearing

As believers in Christ, we are human beings loving the Lord, having His life in our spirit, and living a life to the Lord and no longer to ourselves. However, we are still human beings, and we have a certain humanity – which in some cases may not be that high and uplifted. As we love […]
A Priest is one who Serves God, Lives to God, is Filled with God, and Flows God out

Both in the Old and in the New Testament we clearly see that God’s desire is that all His people would be priests to God (Exo. 19:6; 1 Pet. 2:9). The only way we can become this kind of men that the Lord needs is by allowing Christ Himself – the One who lives in […]
Whenever we Enthrone God in our Being, we Enjoy the Flow of Water of Life Within us!

As believers in Christ we have the throne of God set up in the center of our being, and whenever we enthrone the Lord and take Him as the Head, there’s a river of water of life flowing within us. In our daily life with all the day-to-day activities and things, we need to enthrone […]