Something wonderful, mysterious, and organic happens when we pray-read the word of God: we are freed and released, we are separated and saturated with God, and we walk in truth, that is, we walk according to the Spirit!
the two functions of the truth: the truth sets us free and the truth sanctifies us!
we are commissioned to preach the high gospel, the entire truth revealed in the Word of God
No matter how modern, cool, or amazing things people have or invent – the advance of the technology and entertainment in the world today has not filled the emptiness within man; rather, it has enlarged it, since they try to be filled and happy with so many things when only One Thing satisfies – God Himself! Only the high truths in the Lord’s recovery can match the need of today’s hunger in the world – people are fed up with the low feel-good gospel in the Christianity.
Life is the way to fulfill God’s purpose; the Lord’s recovery is a recovery of truth and life
If we lose the truth and life in the Word of God we lose everything, and all is left is what Christianity has in general today: human organization, methods, good teachings, outward things, a social gathering, and a feel-good gospel. But we need to see that today the Lord’s recovery is a recovery of the truth and life! This is what the Lord desires – He wants the church to know Him as truth and receive Him as life! The content of the church should be the increase and the growth of Christ in us as truth and life.
our knowing the truth and growing in life is for the increase and spread of Christ

As believers in Christ, we all desire to know the truth (to know the Bible, understand the spiritual things, and even have a way to explain these things to others) and to grow in life (to become more mature in the divine life by Christ daily growing in us) – but both of these things […]