The all-inclusive Christ is the reality of all the positive things in the universe, and this One is the Head of the Body. When we enjoy Christ as the reality of all the positive things we become conscious of the Body of Christ and we desire to meet with the saints and share our enjoyment […]
The Enjoyment of Christ Causes us to Hold Him as the Head and be Body-Conscious
what is God’s will for us as young adults? God’s will is One Person, One Way, and One Goal!
We recently enjoyed a sharing by brother Ron regarding God’s will – as young adults and as ones who are pursuing the Lord, we many times ask ourselves, we ask others, and we ask the Lord, What is God’s will for me? Usually, we relate God’s will for ourselves – what is God’s will for […]
The true freedom is in our heart! Don’t study God: enjoy Him! (college age conference sharing)
I enjoyed reading the whole gospel of John in the hills of Wales, where we entered into “life and building in the Gospel of John”. If we want to know life, we need to come to the Bible. In fact, the first case in the gospel of John tells us life’s principle which is to […]
human life at its best is filled with labor; BE SAVED from any human labor by enjoying Christ!
Today we are in the age of the jubilee – the age of grace – which means that we should have no worry or anxiety, no concern or care, no lack or shortage, no sickness or calamity, and no problems whatsoever, but rather we have all benefits! In the jubilee, all things are for our […]
God desires to change our constitution by changing our diet – He wants us to eat Christ only!
God does not want us to “Improve” or “change our behavior”, to be “better people” – even though this will eventually be the result of us eating Him… God wants man to eat Him, enjoy Him, breathe Him in, and be constituted with Him! This is why we see that He brought the people of […]
the all-inclusive Christ is the portion given by God to all the saints, we just need to enjoy Him

There is a sequence of verses in 1 Corinthians that show us clearly that God wants us to just enjoy Christ, and He has given us such a simple way that we may enjoy Him! Here are the verses that I was impressed with: In 1 Corinthians 1:2 we see that, based on His economy, […]
God called us into the fellowship of His son – the enjoyment of the all-inclusive Christ!

This morning I thoroughly enjoyed this wonderful verse that describes what God’s intention towards us is – 1 Cor. 1:9, God is faithful, through whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. God called us into the fellowship of His Son – He called us to enjoy and partake […]