The best prayer is to pray to God as a friend; Abraham was the friend of God, and his interceding was an intimate conversation between two friends, an intimate talk according to the unveiling of God’s heart’s desire. Inquiring prayers honor God; David knew how to pray because he often inquired of Jehovah (see 1 […]
The Best Prayer is to Pray to God as a Friend, Interceding before God in Intimate Fellowship with Him
Christ as our High Priest Intercedes for us until we’re Saved to the Uttermost

In His ascension in His heavenly ministry, Christ is now on the throne of God in heaven, and He is the High Priest doing mainly two things in His divine priesthood: He is saving us to the uttermost, and He is interceding for us before God. As the divine High Priest, the ascended Christ is […]
A Man of Prayer Waits Constantly Before God and Intercedes for What’s on His Heart
![When Sarah (who was 90 years old) heard that God promised Abraham that she would have a son, she laughed. Humanly it is impossible for someone that old to still conceive. [In the picture: Is anything too hard for God?]](
In Gen. 18 we see how God came to visit His friend Abraham in a human form, and He spent some time with him to eat together and converse together. Abraham was one who was dealt with by the Lord and he learned the lesson of not being hasty to ask God for things or […]
today our Christ is the kingly High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek

In Psalm 110 we see Christ as the King with the scepter (Psa. 110:2) and we also see Him being ordained by God to be priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek (Psa. 110:4). On the one hand, Christ is the King with the sceptre to rule over the earth, manage our affairs, and […]
learning to intercede for the Lord’s need in oneness with Him in His heavenly ministry today

I love both this portion of the Word in Eph. 6:18-19 and the song that contains it: … Praying at every time in spirit and watching unto this in all perseverance and petition concerning all the saints, and for me, that utterance may be given to me in the opening of my mouth, to make […]
Christ as our High Priest cares for us in love, but He especially cares for God’s need

In the Old Testament, the High Priest had the names of the tribes of Israel inscribed on the two onyx stones on his shoulders and also on the twelve stones set in the golden breastplate he wore (Exo. 28:9-12). Whenever he went into the Holy of Holies, he brought the people of Israel to God, […]