Why do we need to be revived every morning? We need to see that God has a desire in His heart, which is according to His good pleasure. No one loves being sad. Everybody desires happiness. God Himself has the greatest need for happiness. The question we should ask ourselves is: What makes God happy? […]
Come to the Lord in the Morning to make God Happy and Experience Mutual Happiness!
God’s Purpose in Creating a Corporate Man is Fulfilled in Christ and the One New Man!

God did not create “many men” – He created one man, one corporate man, Adam, in which we all are included. If you read Gen. 1:26-28 and 5:2 you will see that God created one man, but this man is corporate, collective, since the pronouns, “them” and “their” are used to refer to the corporate […]
man has a spirit to contact God and a mind to be continually set on the spirit
Though we may think we are “normal” and “we think as normal people do”, our mind is sick with a terrible disease – we need to have our mind healed, cleansed, purified, and even lifed by setting it on our mingled spirit again and again! We don’t “switch on once and for all” by turning to the Lord in the morning – all throughout the day we continually need to set our mind on our spirit! “Lock your mind on the spirit” (as if you would lock the GPS to the destination) and don’t go to the left or to the right! May our mind be occupied with Christ to the point that we are sick with love for the Lord! [continue reading this portion online]
when we turn to our spirit we are filled with Christ and can be used by Him! (2011 WST)
even if our spirit is small and weak, and our soul is tall and strong, we need to deny our soul so that our mingled spirit may become strong. We should always have a strong inner man, a strong spirit! We need to be willing to be used by God. Our infilling of the Holy Spirit is not only for our nourishment, it is also for us to dispense. This means that we have to preach the gospel to our friends, to overthrow our schools with the word of God – the Lord wants to use us as His stepping stones. If not, then He would just pass us by and turn to another generation to fulfill His Goal. Oh Lord Jesus! Make us all willing! [sharing from a dear sister who attended the Winter School of Truth – read more online]
God in Christ is the tree of life, small enough for us to eat, take in, and live because of Him!
O, Lord, we can testify because we have surely tasted – Yes, God is Good for Food! Lord Jesus, You are the tree of life – so ready and available for us to enjoy and take in. Save us from eating anything else besides You as life [continue reading online]
Where are You? Hiding from God! Dead in Sins! Yet the Lord Jesus came to seek you to die for you!
The title of the conference this past weekend was, Where Are You? The year 7 conference in Coventry was wonderful – we had 12 young ones from cities like Manchester, Birmingham, Exeter, London, Cambridge, Bristol, etc. As I was sharing recently concerning this age group via, Year 7 Conference in Coventry this weekend! – we […]
every genuine Christian is a miniature garden of Eden. Christ is God in us to make us God in Him!
In view of God’s good pleasure to have many sons who will be consummated as the New Jerusalem, God created man in a very special way – He formed man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life (Gen. 2:7)! We now have something called “spirit” in us […]