The intrinsic building up of the organic Body of Christ is by the direct building by all the members – into the Head and out of the Head; we need to hold to truth in love and grow up into Him, and out of the Head we will be richly supplied to function in […]
Hold to Truth to Grow into Christ, the Head, and Function out of the Head for the Body
The Economy of God becomes our Stewardship of the Grace to Dispense the Riches of Christ

As believers in Christ enjoying the grace of God in the economy of God, we have been entrusted with the stewardship of the grace of God to us for the saints; the grace of God we enjoy is for us to minister to the others also. Hallelujah! On one hand, we enjoy the grace […]
The Church Life is a Life of being Headed up in Christ by Growing in the Divine Life

The church life is a life of being headed up in Christ by our growing in the divine life; as we hold Christ as the Head, we grow up into Him in all things, who is the Head, and through us God can head up all things in Christ. God’s will is to head up […]
Being Headed up in Christ for God to Head up all Things in Christ through the Church

Ultimately, God’s will in the universe is to head up all things in Christ through the church as the Body of Christ; for this, we first need to be delivered from the heap of collapse and headed up in Christ. Our God has a great, eternal will, and this will has to do with what […]
Seeing that God desires to Execute His Government in the Universe through the Church

God has a government in the universe, and He also has a government in the church; God desires to execute His government in the universe through the church. We can see this matter of the government of God both in the Old and in the New Testament. Our God is not merely a God of […]
God is a God of Purpose: He Created all things for His Will to Fulfill His Purpose

Our God is a God of purpose, having a will of His own pleasure; He created all things for His will that He might accomplish and fulfill His purpose, which is to head up all things in Christ. This week we come to a new morning revival on the 2019 Thanksgiving Conference, with the general […]
We need to realize that the Proper Church Life is a Life of being Headed up in Christ

The church is life is a life of being headed up in Christ, for we all need to be delivered from the heap of collapse caused by man’s fall, and to be headed up in Christ. God’s eternal purpose is for Him to gain a corporate expression in man, so that God in Christ through […]