We need to Enlighten all that they may See the Church as the Mystery Hidden in God

The mystery hidden in God throughout the ages and revealed to His saints in the New Testament is the church, the center and focus of His economy and plan. God has an eternal purpose, which is to work Himself into His chosen people to be their life and everything so that they may be regenerated, […]

The Existence of the Church is according to the Eternal Purpose God made in Christ

According to Ephesians, the existence of the church is according to the eternal purpose which God made in Christ Jesus our Lord, for God planned to have from eternity past for eternity future. God has an eternal purpose – the purpose of the ages, which He made in eternity past for eternity future (Eph. 3:11). […]

To Participate in the Recovery of the Church we need to See God’s Eternal Purpose

This week in our morning revival time with the Lord we come to the topic of, The Recovery of the Church, and in particular, Seeing God’s Eternal Purpose concerning the Church and Enlightening all concerning the Economy of the Mystery Hidden in God. In order for us to participate in the recovery of the church, […]

The Goal of God’s Eternal Purpose is to have a Corporate People as His Dwelling Place

It is quite amazing to be enlightened by the Lord and realize that the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation (including the book of Exodus, which we are studying now) speaks concerning God’s eternal purpose, and that the goal of God’s eternal purpose is to have a corporate people to be His dwelling place for […]

Satan utilizes Religion to Keep People from Christ and the Church as God’s Will

Today when you talk to others about Christ, they immediately associate this with religion; when you try to explain to them that you’re speaking of a living Person who is now the Spirit, they think you’re a religious person trying to get them into religion. Religion is something formed by the human mind under the […]

The Eternal Purpose of God the Father is to Gain the Church as a Bride for Christ

God’s eternal purpose and His eternal plan is to gain the church as a bride for His Son. In Genesis 24 we see the account of four persons working together to get Isaac and Rebekah married – this story is a type of the Triune God working in and on man to prepare man to […]

God wants to dispense Himself into us – it is so easy to receive Him! (2011 winter school of truth)

This Winter School I also enjoyed the matter of having a personal time with the Lord because if we don’t have a daily, intimate, personal time with Him, we will quickly slip back into our old worldly ways. Therefore, it is especially important to maybe just get up 10 minutes earlier or maybe in the morning when walking to school to pray to Him, confess our sins, and tell the Lord that we love Him. Although this may sometimes seem like “a chore” to us, eventually we will enjoy it so much that we look forward to spending this time with Him! [sharing by a young brother who recently attended the winter school of truth in London, UK]