In the Lord’s recovery today the Lord is recovering God’s economy, which is God’s eternal purpose and intention to dispense Himself into man to be man’s life and life supply for the producing and building up of the Body of Christ. The matter of God’s economy is in the Bible – the Old Testament saints […]
Having a Clear Vision of God’s Economy and being Governed and Directed by this Vision
The Growth of the Body Depends on the Growth of God within us as Members of the Body

The Body of Christ is a living organism composed of the Triune God and His believers, and as such an organic entity the Body is built up by the growth in life of all the members of the Body. The church of God as the Body of Christ is NOT an organization of human beings […]
Jacob’s Prophesying with Blessing Concerning Issachar potrays the Church Life Today

Jacob’s prophesying with blessing concerning each of his sons is very significant, being fulfilled both in their life as tribes in Israel and in our spiritual experience today in the church as the real Israel of God. When he spoke of Judah, Jacob likened him to a lion who is victorious, gets the prey and […]
Advancing from the Individual Experience of God to the Corporate Experience of God

In Genesis 35 Jacob had a radical turn from the individual experience of God to the corporate experience of God. As a result of being dealt with, broken, and transformed, Jacob experienced God as the God of Bethel, El-Bethel, the God of the house of God (Gen. 35:7; Eph. 3:17-21; 4:4-6). Outwardly you may think […]
Carrying Out the Stewardship of God by Preaching the Gospel and Dispensing Christ

All believers in Christ have been entrusted by God with a stewardship, which is to minister the riches of Christ into others for the building up of the Body of Christ. When we preach the gospel, we carry out the stewardship of God by contacting sinners where they are and ministering God into them (see […]
We Need to See God’s Will and Satan’s Strategy, and Actively Choose the Will of God

In this universe there’s a warfare going on, since there are three wills: the divine will (God’s will), the satanic will (Satan’s will), and the human will, and the satanic will is always opposite and against the divine will. In eternity past there used to be only one will: God’s will. But Lucifer, who was […]
Our Need to See a Revelation of the Body of Christ: We are Members of the Body!

What the believers need today is NOT more knowledge concerning Christ and the Body of Christ but a revelation of Christ and His Body. In the spiritual realm whenever we see something, when we see the Body of Christ, for example, we enter into the reality of the thing we see. Only God can give […]