For Christ to be have preeminence in us and for Him to have the first place in our personal universe, Christ should have the preeminence in our love (Rev. 2:4). Actually, whenever we do not have a fervent, burning love for the Lord, we enter into degradation and desolation, but whenever we exercise our heart […]
Giving Christ the Preeminence in our Love by Maintaining our First Love for the Lord
Keeping Ourselves in the one Divine Stream by Loving the Lord with the First Love

In propagating Christ as the development of the kingdom of God on earth, we need to be those keeping ourselves in the one flow of the Lord’s work for the spreading of the church, and receiving the Lord’s mercy to be saved from Satan’s schemes. The Lord is spreading on earth today, both in number […]
Exercising our Spirit to Switch on the Law of Life and Enjoy Christ as the Jubilee

When we were born again, the Spirit came into our spirit, and the law of the Spirit of life started to operate in us; we can cooperate with the inner law of the Spirit of life by exercising our spirit to switch on this law so that we can enjoy Christ as the freedom and […]
Repenting and Doing the First Works – the Works Motivated by our Love for the Lord

The Lord’s word to the church in Ephesus in Rev. 2:1-7 is a warning to us all; after He acknowledged the many works, labor, endurance, and suffering that the church in Ephesus had, the Lord said He has one thing against her, that she has lost her first love, and therefore she had to repent, […]
Never Leaving our First Love for the Lord but Giving Him the First Place in all Things

The first epistle the Lord sent to the seven churches in Rev. 2-3 was to Ephesus, and He had only one thing against them, that they left their first love; therefore, they had to repent and do the first works – if not, He would come to them and remove their lampstand out of its […]
Being Saved from the Love of Money and Riches by Loving God and Serving Him Only

Pure commerce is the most evil thing on earth, and it will be fully judged by God as it consummates in Babylon the Great. The commercial mind in us needs to be exposed and removed by the Lord’s shining, and our heart need to love the Lord supremely and without any expectation for something in […]
working with the Lord by giving Him our first love and doing the first works

The work that the Lord considers precious and good is the work that comes out of our first love for the Lord. The seeker in the Song of Songs has passed through many processes and was transformed until she arrived to the stage where she tells her Beloved, Let us rise up early for the […]