We need to rise up and say: “Lord, step on me!” This is our opportunity! We should go, bear fruit and speak about the Lord. What are we waiting for? We’re here to express God! Jesus wants our consecration so we have to be determined and exercise our spirit. The church needs our function. Every day we have a new beginning, each sunrise brings new opportunities and new possibilities. Sometimes we just need little turn to our spirit. We are different than the people in the world – we have a better life because Christ is our life! We have to trust God because at every step the Midianites want to attack us – they’re waiting all the time and everywhere to destroy what God made in us, and to destroy the place which Lord gained in us. [sharing by a sister from Poland from her impression in the 2011 Winter School of Truth]
It is time to rise up and say, Lord Jesus, Step On Me! Use me! (2011 winter school of truth)
it is very good to exercise our spirit – we are God-men! (2011 winter school of truth)
Most of the time we find it hard to turn our spirit because the soul takes the lead as our life and person, and the body and spirit become the organs who follow the lead of our soul. But we should live by allowing the spirit to take the lead in everything we do and be our life and person – and we use our soul and body as the organs following the lead of our spirit! [continue reading online a sharing from a young brother who recently attended the Winter School of Truth in London, UK]
man has a spirit to receive God and be mingled with God (winter school of truth)
Zechariah 12:1 says, “Thus declares Jehovah, who stretches forth the heavens and lays the foundation of the earth and forms the spirit of man within him”. This verse shows that in God’s creation He made three crucial, equally important items: the heavens, the earth, and the spirit of man. For many centuries, much attention have been paid to the heavens and the earth but not the spirit of man. Why did God form the spirit of man and what is the purpose of this spirit? In the Winter School of Truth 2011, we were blessed with much speaking about the spirit of man and the Spirit of God. [continue reading this portion from the Winter School of Truth online]
exercising the key of denying the self to shut the gates of Hades and build the church
We need the Lord to shine on us and show us a vision of the self. From the very beginning in the garden of Eden we see that the self is the soul declaring its independence from God. When we are no longer dependent on God but “take matters into our own hands”, we are in the self. The self is the greatest problem to the building up of the Body, and the self is opposing the Body. The principle of the Body is depending on the Lord and depending on the brothers and the sisters… To be independent of the brothers and sisters equals being independent of Christ, but when we are dependent, the self is gone, and instead of the self, we have the Lord’s presence and are full of peace. [continue reading online]
using the keys of the kingdom to lock the subjective gates of Hades and build up the church
Matt. 16:21-26 shows us not only the subjective gates of Hades coming in to frustrate the building up of the church but also the keys of the kingdom of the heavens which lock these doors and release the building up! We need to use the keys of denying our self, losing our soul life, and taking up our cross! Denying the self mainly relates to our mind, since the self is expressed through the mind with its opinions. Taking up the cross is related to taking up the will of God and not our own will. Losing our soul life is related to the enjoyment of the soul, the pleasure – we need to seek God’s pleasure and His enjoyment!
we can know the True One with our regenerated spirit and with our mind enlightened by the Spirit
It is God’s deepest desire that His people would know Him and enjoy Him. We need to pursue to know this One who is The True One. By the exercise of our regenerated spirit mingled with the Spirit of reality, our mind is enlightened that we may know God, enjoy God, and experience God. This is the eternal life – that we may know Him, the only true God, and the One He has sent [continue reading]
being fully on the line of life and exercising our spirit, our heart, and our mouth to speak Christ
What kind of a man does God desire to dwell with on His holy mountain? We have previously seen that God doesn’t want a good man nor an evil man but a God-man. We may like Psalms 16 outwardly, but inwardly and unconsciously we may still appreciate the man Psalms 15 – a perfect man, […]