Underneath the words in the book of Numbers we see an awesome crystal: the Divine Trinity; the Triune God refers mainly to God Himself, and the Divine Trinity refers mainly to God’s being Triune. When we come to this matter of the Divine Trinity and the Triune God we may think, Why does it have […]
As we Spend Time in Prayer to Study the Divine Trinity in God’s Word, we Enjoy God!
The Triune God is Dispensing Himself into His People to gain His Corporate Expression

When the glory of God filled the tabernacle and the cloud descended upon the tent of meeting in Exo. 40, God has finally obtained a dwelling place on earth among His people for His corporate expression; the Triune God is dispensing Himself into His people to make them His corporate expression, His house, His dwelling […]
Experiencing the Divine Dispensing of the Divine Trinity to Practice the Church Life

After seeing a laser light exposure of the matter of the subduing of the soul for the release of the spirit so that we may have a proper church life, we now come to more practical matters related to our practicing of the church life. The church life is not for us to practice in […]
The Central Line of the Bible – The Triune God! Our God is One yet Three, He is Triune!
These days we’re enjoying the Central Line of the Bible – the central line of the divine revelation in the Holy Scriptures. Yesterday we saw that the first item in the Central Line of the Bible is the Word of God – the expression, definition, and explanation of God. Today we are enjoying the second […]
the fellowship of life is the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, and we enjoy it by being in our spirit!
These days we’re enjoying more and more fellowship of life – the fellowship with the Father and the Son, and the fellowship with all the believers! Today I enjoyed specifically that this fellowship is in spirit – in our mingled spirit! It is not simply the believers getting together, but the believers that enjoy the […]