Faith is rooted in God’s divine facts covenanted to us in His holy Word, and we believers must exercise our spirit of faith to believe what God has promised and covenanted to us in His word. Amen! Faith is not something that we muster up or “conjure up”; faith is not something mysterious that […]
We must Exercise our Spirit of Faith to Believe in the Divine Facts in God’s Word
Christ has already Won the Battle, and the Church Maintains Christ’s Victory on earth

The Lord Jesus has already won the battle – He has won the victory, and now our work as the church on earth is to maintain Christ’s victory. Hallelujah, the victory has been won, and we can apply it, stand in it, proclaim it, and make it real to the enemy wherever we are and […]
In His Earthly Ministry the Victorious Christ Defeated the Devil and Destroyed his Works

Praise the Lord, in His earthly ministry the victorious Christ defeated the devil and destroyed his works! Hallelujah! As we prayerfully consider the matter of the spiritual warfare of the church as the new man, this week we come to the topic, The Victorious Christ. What’s the connection between the victorious Christ and the spiritual […]
Offering Ourselves Willingly to the Lord in the Day of His Warfare to Bring in His Kingdom

If we see that we are in the day of Christ’s warfare, we will offer ourselves willingly to the Lord for His purpose, being a voluntary offering to Him to be part of the new man as the corporate warrior to deal with God’s enemy and bring His kingdom in. The Lord is not after […]
Seeing that Christ Destroyed the Devil and knowing how to Withstand and Overcome him

The manifestation of the Lord Jesus destroyed the works of the devil, and the death of the Lord Jesus destroyed the devil himself (see 1 John 3:8; John 3:14; 12:31; Heb. 2:14). Praise the Lord, Christ destroyed the devil on the cross! The Son of God was manifested so that He might destroy the works […]
The Son of God was Manifested that He might Destroy the Works of the Devil in Us

Praise the Lord, the Son of God was manifested for so that He might destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8)! God became a man – He put on humanity, and in Jesus Christ the infinite God became a man; He had the likeness of the flesh of sin but without the sin […]