As we are being perfected in the group meetings we should all pursue and desire prophesying, speaking and listening in mutuality, for the stirring up of the spiritual organic function of the members of the Body for the building up of the Body. The church is an organism, the mingling of God and man, produced […]
Developing our Organic Function as Members and Prophesying to Build up the Church
Pray-reading the Word of God, Applying it, and desiring Earnestly to Prophesy

Prophesying in the church meetings, i.e. speaking for God and speaking forth God into one another, fulfills the greatest prophecy in the Bible (Matt. 16:18). What constitutes prophesying is not eloquence of speech or brilliance of wit — it is the speaking forth of God Himself into others, which issues in the building up of […]
the highest expression of our Christian life is prophesying for building up

Have you ever thought what is the highest expression of our Christian life? It is not doing a lot of great works for the Lord or even our living before men – it is our speaking for God, speaking forth God, and speaking God into people. The highest expression of one who represents the King […]
simple elements for the composition of a prophecy for the building up of the church
According to 1 Cor. 14, all the believers should pursue, seek, and even desire earnestly to prophesy for the building up of the church(1 Cor. 14:1, 12, 39). We all have both the capacity / ability to speak for God and speak God forth, AND we also have the obligation to prophesy for the building […]