Being under God’s Covenant of Grace, we should Enjoy God by Exercising our Spirit

The experience of our father Abraham is very much related to our experience, and the things he learned in his experience with God are the things we should learn as well. In the book of Galatians we see how the Galatian believers received the gospel through the apostle Paul and his co-workers, believed into Christ, […]

Seeing what the Flesh is and Living a Crucified Life by Calling on the Lord’s Name

In Genesis 15 God made a covenant with Abraham; on His side, God was faithful to the covenant, but on Abraham’s side, he was not because he used his natural strength to produce Ishmael. Therefore, God came in in Genesis 17, thirteen years after He appeared last to Abraham, and He confirmed the covenant with […]

We need to STOP and Let God Work Himself into us to Fulfill His Purpose Through us

God’s intention is to gain man for His purpose so that He may work Himself into man and be lived out and expressed through man in a corporate way for His glory. We can see God’s intention from the beginning of the Bible (when God put man in front of Himself as life, the tree […]

Living by Grace: God Rejects Man’s Fleshly Effort to Please Him According to the Law

God promised Abraham a seed and Abraham believed God; this was counted to him as righteousness. However, since both Abraham and Sarah were getting older and nothing was happening, Abraham listened to Sarah’s suggestion to have a seed with the help of her maidservant, Hagar. It would have been so easy and simple if, based […]

In the Covenant of Grace God is Working Himself into Us to Bring Forth Christ

It is not easy to understand what the Old Testament speaks of if you don’t have the proper view, that is, if you don’t see God’s economy. It is easy to misunderstand and misinterpret the stories and prophecies in the Old Testament if you don’t see what the whole Bible speaks about. The Apostle Paul […]

Standing for God on Earth and Overcoming the Temptation of Material Possessions

The history of Abraham rescuing his nephew Lot is full of spiritual significance, and Abraham is a pattern to us today in our life of living by faith. To live by faith doesn’t mean only to live a life of the altar and the tent, fully trusting in the Lord in our consecrated life and […]

Offering Ourselves Willingly to the Lord and Becoming the Morning Dew to Refresh Him

In Psalm 110 we see a very practical way to enjoy Christ in His heavenly ministry as the kingly High Priest: by offering ourselves to Him willingly in the day of His warfare, in the day of our consecration, and by being to Him like the dew from the womb of the dawn, refreshing Him […]