It is quite amazing to be enlightened by the Lord and realize that the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation (including the book of Exodus, which we are studying now) speaks concerning God’s eternal purpose, and that the goal of God’s eternal purpose is to have a corporate people to be His dwelling place for […]
The Goal of God’s Eternal Purpose is to have a Corporate People as His Dwelling Place
Enjoying the Triune God in the Divine Dispensing for the Building up of the Church

The desire of God’s heart is to have a built-up church as His house, His dwelling place with and among men, and the way He gains it in His economy is by His divine dispensing – the dispensing of the Divine Trinity into man for the producing and building up of the church. God does […]
The Triune God is Dispensing Himself into His People to gain His Corporate Expression

When the glory of God filled the tabernacle and the cloud descended upon the tent of meeting in Exo. 40, God has finally obtained a dwelling place on earth among His people for His corporate expression; the Triune God is dispensing Himself into His people to make them His corporate expression, His house, His dwelling […]
The Spirit Anoints us for God’s Building and as the Cloud He Leads and Guides us

After the tabernacle was erected in the wilderness, Moses anointed every piece of furnishing and all the priests for service with the holy anointing oil, as per God’s instructions; in the church as the house of God we have the Spirit anointing us as the anointing oil, and He is leading and guiding us just […]
How Amazing it is that the Triune God is Embodied and Expressed Through the Church!

It is quite amazing to see how the tabernacle filled with the glory of Jehovah and covered by the cloud in Exo. 40 is a full type of the Triune God. At the end of Exodus everything is coming to a consummation, a conclusion: God finished giving Moses the instructions for the building of the […]
The Desire of God’s Heart is Fulfilled when His Glory Fills the Tabernacle, the Church

This is our last week in the Crystallization-Study of Exodus, and the topic we are enjoying is, The Erecting of the Tabernacle and the Tabernacle, the Cloud, and the Glory being a Full Type of the Triune God (based on Exo. 40, the last chapter of Exodus, where we see the desire of God’s heart […]
Taking the Lord as our Real Sabbath Rest and Laboring with Him as our Strength
![Keeping the Sabbath is an eternal covenant assuring God that we will be one with Him by first enjoying Him and then working with Him, for Him, and in oneness with Him. The mentioning of the Sabbath here [Exo. 31:16] indicates that everything related to the tabernacle and its furniture leads us to God’s Sabbath, with its rest and refreshment in the enjoyment of what God has purposed and done. #ExoCS4, outline 11](
It is very significant that, after God gave Moses the specific instructions concerning the tabernacle and about the workers of the tabernacle, He reminded His people concerning keeping the Sabbath; keeping the Sabbath was a perpetual contract or covenant between God and His people, a sign showing everyone that they belong to Him (Exo. 31:13). […]