Hallelujah, the Christian life is a life of enjoying Christ as the tree of life, and we can enjoy the top portion of Christ in the meetings of the church! God’s intention is to give Himself to man as the tree of life for man to enjoy, for God wants man not to do […]
Living a Life of Enjoying Christ as Life and Enjoying the Top Portion in the Meetings
Unceasing Prayer is the way for us to Walk according to the Spirit in our Daily Life

The way for us to daily walk according to the spirit and habitually have this kind of living is only by unceasing prayer, that is, by spiritually breathing all the time though praying unceasingly. This is something we all have to do in a personal way before the Lord and with the Lord. We cannot […]
Having a Personal Time and a Corporate Time of Enjoying the Lord in the Morning
our daily enjoyment of Christ leads us to the continual enjoyment of God in the house of God!
As individual Christians we can experience God and enjoy God only in a limited way, but when we grow and realise that spirituality is a Body matter and that the Triune God is mingled witht he church as the Body of Christ, we will see that our God is the God of the Body of Christ, the God of the House of God! God is not just the God IN the house of God, but the God OF the house of God, the God who makes Himself known as our enjoyment only when we are built into His house as His dwelling place.
eating Christ by feasting on Him with the saints in the meetings on the ground of oneness
In the Old Testament, when the people of Israel entered the good land, they could enjoy the rich produce of the land in two ways – personally and corporately. Personally, they had a common, private way of enjoying the good land and its rich produce as a common portion for their daily living and enjoyment […]