Besides the unique teaching of God’s New Testament economy, which is the teaching of the apostles, there are “different teachings”, teachings that are different, and there are winds of teaching which are used by Satan to distract us from the enjoyment of Christ and frustrate the building up of the Body of Christ. Paul wrote […]
Discerning the Different Teachings and Continuing Steadfastly in the Apostles’ Teaching
Grow in Life and Stay in the Church Life to avoid being Tossed by the Winds of Teaching

We need to grow in life unto maturity and be constituted with the truth, remaining in the apostles’ teaching, so that we may no longer be carried about by every wind of teaching; any teaching different from the revelation of God’s New Testament economy is considered to be winds of teaching. We must avoid these […]
Being Faithful in Service to God by Exercising our Spiritual Gift in Resurrection

In Matt. 25:14-30 the Lord likened Himself to a man going abroad and delivering His possessions to His slaves; we as the Lord’s slaves were entrusted with His possessions, we were given a gift according to our own ability, and we need to use our gift in our service to the Lord, being faithful in […]
being an inoculator by teaching and ministering the riches of God’s economy
We all need to shepherd the saints with the teaching of God’s economy (see Eph. 4:11 and 1 Tim. 3:2, 4:11-16). How do we shepherd the saints? It is mainly by dispensing the divine life in the humanity of Jesus to cherish them (to make them happy, comfortable, and open) and by teaching them the divine truths in the divinity of Christ to nourish them (Eph. 5:29). The Lord Jesus was a pattern for us in this by denying His natural human life and living by the divine life in resurrection – He was charming and attracting people in His humanity, and He fed them in His divinity with the words of God! [read more online]
the real gospel preaching is the speaking of the truth (see: blood and water, the double cure!)
Our daily and continual constitution with the truth and learning the truth by reading the Bible, enjoying the footnotes, reading the life-studies and the ministry books, etc will put a rich deposit of the divine truths into our being. Then, when we open our mouth to speak, we will tell others concerning the Triune God – the Father, the Son, and the Spirit – who is dispensing Himself into us – sinful, tripartite men – so that our sins may be forgiven and that we may receive God’s life and become sons of God who are being transformed to be the same as Christ is! Praise the Lord! [continue reading this portion online]
What is truth? We need to know what truth is and what is the reality in this universe
Today we are so fortunate and privileged to be under the ministry of the age, which has inherited all the truths recovered and uncovered in the Bible throughout the ages. When it comes to “cutting straight the word of the truth”, it is not MY portion to do so, but what we can do is enjoy the Word, enjoy the opening of the Word, and re-speak the truth! O, that the truth may be constituted into us and become part of us, even our reality, to make us real!
we are commissioned to preach the high gospel, the entire truth revealed in the Word of God
No matter how modern, cool, or amazing things people have or invent – the advance of the technology and entertainment in the world today has not filled the emptiness within man; rather, it has enlarged it, since they try to be filled and happy with so many things when only One Thing satisfies – God Himself! Only the high truths in the Lord’s recovery can match the need of today’s hunger in the world – people are fed up with the low feel-good gospel in the Christianity.