Know the Truth, be Absolute for the Truth, and Uphold the Absoluteness of the Truth

Truth is the reality concerning God, man, the universe, man’s relationship with God, and man’s obligation to God as revealed in the Bible; truth is the genuineness, truthfulness, sincerity, and honesty of God becoming man’s virtue – we need to be absolute for the truth and uphold the absoluteness of the truth. As believers in […]

God, Christ, the Spirit, and the Word of God are the reality, making us real and genuine

We all need to spend much time in the Word of God and in the presence of the Lord to see what is real, what is the reality in this universe, and how can we become real and genuine human beings. We all think we are OK, but when we come to the Word of God we discover that we live a lie, the whole world is a lie, and nothing that we can see, touch, or feel is real!

What is truth? We need to know what truth is and what is the reality in this universe

Today we are so fortunate and privileged to be under the ministry of the age, which has inherited all the truths recovered and uncovered in the Bible throughout the ages. When it comes to “cutting straight the word of the truth”, it is not MY portion to do so, but what we can do is enjoy the Word, enjoy the opening of the Word, and re-speak the truth! O, that the truth may be constituted into us and become part of us, even our reality, to make us real!