Why are people immoral? Because they are not satisfied. In the world we fill ourselves with meaningless and temporary pleasures such as education, clothes, money, and religion. However the only way we can be truly filled is by drinking the Living Water that Jesus provides. In John 4, Jesus meets a Samaritan woman at a […]
if you’re not drinking Christ you’ll never be satisfied!(college age conference sharing)
God is not angry with His people when they are thirsty and complain about it; rather, He cherishes and nourishes them!

This morning in my time with the Lord I was impressed again about our God – how rich, how fair, how bountiful, how loving, how kind, and how gracious God is! Our God is not angry – He takes care of His people! In Numbers 20 we see that AGAIN the people of Israel murmured […]
take the rod (apply the death of Christ to your situation) and speak to the rock(speak to Christ in faith)!
This week we’re getting into the message entitled, Drawing Water with Rejoicing from the Springs of Salvation – in the Crystallization-study of Isaiah(1). Today I was reminded of the fact that most of the problems and murmurings in the church life are due to the shortage of the Spirit of life. The people of Israel […]
only by coming to God as the fountain of living waters can we be satisfied fully and become His expression today!

In Isaiah and in Jeremiah we see God dealing with His people, and many times we have the impression that “God wants to punish Israel” – all those judgements, wars, etc. But there is a verse in Jeremiah that sheds some fresh light on what God desires from His people, how does He want to […]