the need of the impotent – life’s enlivening(sharing from the college age conference)

In John chapter 5 we see the need of the impotent – life’s enlivening. In this chapter, we see a man who was sick for 38 years, who was waiting for healing in a place called Bethesda (Hebrew) – where there was a pool. An angel went down from time to time in the pool […]

college-age conference testimony – consecrating ourselves to the Lord and putting all on the altar

The matter of consecration became so clear to me at the recent college-age conference through the brothers’ speaking and the reading of the Word and the ministry. To consecrate yourself to God is first of all to realise that we are not our own. 1 Cor 6:19 says, You are not your own… For you […]

college-age conference sharing – on our Christian Journey, Lord, make us willing to consecrate ourselves for God’s Building

Our Christian Life is a journey. It begins with our exodus from Egypt and our crossing of the Red Sea. But it doesn’t end there. Rather, our salvation and our baptism were only the beginning of a life long journey with the Lord. So let us not stop or wander forever in the wilderness but […]

college-age conference testimony – we can cooperate with the Lord for Him to get His building

During the past College-age conference in Bower House I really enjoyed the fact that God’s building is the desire of God’s heart and the goal of God’s Salvation. God wants to have His building and He needs our cooperation as His people. We need to go through an entire journey in order to become the […]

college-age conference testimony – we need to grow in life and to cooperate with the Lord on our campus

The whole theme of the last college age conference was related to the matter of building – this matter is revealed as being the desire of God’s heart from Genesis chapter 2 until the end of the book of Revelation. Personally, I was touched by something in the 3rd message concerning the inner court/the Holy […]

college-age conference testimony – our enjoyment of Christ is for the building up of God’s dwelling place

In this past college age conference in London I was impressed with the fact that our enjoyment of Christ is not for ourselves only, but for the building of God’s dwelling place! O Lord, save me from being limited in my small heart! Enlarge me to have Your heart and be one with You! I […]

college age conference testimony – practically consecrating our time to the Lord for His building

This last College Age Conference really moved me and changed my entire perception towards God’s need today. In the book of Exodus we can see that God desires a building – the people of Israel journeyed from the crossing of the Red Sea until they had a unique building – the tabernacle. One of the brothers […]