For there to be the genuine reality of the new man among us, prayer is needed; this prayer is a particular kind of prayer, a prayer that is one with the Lord, responding in prayer to His heavenly ministry for Him to bring in the practicality of the new man. This week we saw something […]
Responding in Prayer to the Lord’s Interceding, Ministering, and Administrating
As Minister of the True Tabernacle, Christ Ministers Himself to us by His Dispensing

The ascended Christ is a Minister of the holy places, even of the true tabernacle (see Heb. 8:2); as such a One, Christ ministers Himself to us as food, as our life supply, in the way of dispensing. The actual reason that the epistle to the Hebrews was written and sent to the Hebrew believers […]
Our Aaronic High Priest Removed Sin and our Kingly High Priest Ministers God into us

The book of Hebrews is on the priesthood in its three aspects: the Aaronic priesthood (Christ offered Himself to God as the unique sacrifice for our sins), the kingly priesthood (Christ as our kingly High Priest ministers God into us), and the divine priesthood (Christ is saving us to the uttermost). Christ is the High […]
Enjoying Christ’s Ministry as a High Priest according to the Order of Melchizedek

God’s intention from the very beginning was that man would be priests to God; He didn’t ask Adam to do anything for Him but to make sure he eats of the tree of life and not of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Adam spent much time with God and knew God personally, […]
In His Heavenly Ministry Christ is the Both the King and the High Priest

In the book of Hebrews we see that Christ is the High Priest – not only the High Priest according to the order of Aaron (to accomplish judicial redemption for us) but all the more a High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek (to carry out His organic salvation). The entire book of Hebrews […]
today our Christ is the kingly High Priest according to the order of Melchizedek

In Psalm 110 we see Christ as the King with the scepter (Psa. 110:2) and we also see Him being ordained by God to be priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek (Psa. 110:4). On the one hand, Christ is the King with the sceptre to rule over the earth, manage our affairs, and […]