God desires to change our constitution by changing our diet – He wants us to eat Christ only!

God does not want us to “Improve” or “change our behavior”, to be “better people” – even though this will eventually be the result of us eating Him… God wants man to eat Him, enjoy Him, breathe Him in, and be constituted with Him! This is why we see that He brought the people of […]

the all-inclusive Christ is the portion given by God to all the saints, we just need to enjoy Him

There is a sequence of verses in 1 Corinthians that show us clearly that God wants us to just enjoy Christ, and He has given us such a simple way that we may enjoy Him! Here are the verses that I was impressed with: In 1 Corinthians 1:2 we see that, based on His economy, […]

Lord, You can my hunger and thirst satisfy – feed me, Lord Jesus, give me to drink!

Have you ever been singing a song and realized that the writer has experienced more of the Lord than you? There’s a line in a song that I’ve sung for years that says “Thou canst my hunger and thirst satisfy”. Lately I’ve been challenging the Lord on whether He can truly be everything to me. […]

Hallelujah, eating Jesus is the way! Today, we just need to eat and drink and enjoy Christ

Hallelujah, eating Jesus is the way! Lately I’ve been enjoying eating the Lord Jesus! The first thing we should do when we wake up is eat the Lord! We should call on His name and touch Him first thing in the morning. Recently I’ve been practicing this and realizing this is really what the Lord […]

worshipping God in the dispensing of the Triune God!

God wants us to worship Him, and as we saw previously, to worship God according to His desire is to eat Him and to drink Him. In the writings of Paul we see some examples of such proper worship to God, like Eph 3:14-17, For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father, of […]

we depend on what we eat and we become what we eat: let’s eat Christ!

I’m still considering the picture in the garden of Eden, which is actually what is going on within us today: we are being put in front of the two trees daily – the tree of the knowledge of GOOD and evil, and the tree of life. The simple fact that God cares so much about […]

We need to eat Jesus every day as the tree of life, He is our real food!

God’s original intention in His creation of man can be seen in Genesis – after He created man, He placed man in a garden with lots of trees good for food! God gave man only one “commandment” – take care of your eating! Don’t eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, […]