we are the generation the Lord wants to use to bring Him back! (2011 winter school)

During this Winter School of Truth I really enjoyed touching the matter of the Spirit and the preaching of the gospel. This generation – our generation – is the generation the Lord wants to use to bring Him back. We have to say, “Lord, use me!” What’s holding me back? It’s NOW and it’s US! We must be willing to be used by God and we NEED to be stepping stones for His move. We have to allow Him to use us as His dispensational instrument that He may speak through us… Young people, do you know why you’re placed in your schools? Well, we are placed at different schools by the Lord so that we could be shining luminaries, shining forth the gospel to our friends! We are the ones who are able to speak to our friends! [read more online this short sharing from a sister who recently attended the Winter School of Truth in London, UK]

the Lord as our Shepherd makes us lie down in green pastures and leads us beside waters of rest

Hallelujah, the Lord Jesus is our Shepherd and under His loving tender care we lack nothing! This morning I was encouraged when I read Psalms 23:1-2 (Jehovah is my Shepherd; I will lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside waters of rest) together with John 10:11 (I am […]

Old Testament saints on the line of life: Abel, Seth, Enosh, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Israel, etc

Throughout the Bible we see these two lines, the line of the tree of life and the line of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. There is a line that goes throughout the Bible – the line of life, the line of the tree of life – on which there are many […]

why do we need to have a time of morning revival every day? (sharing from the One Week Training)

In the one week training, the one thing touched me the most was the Morning Revival Fellowship classes. These classes gave me a new and fresh view on how important morning revival is to a Christian. Many times in my life I have taken the practice of Morning Revival for granted. I did come to […]

the Word of life is “an appetizer” to our enjoying God as the eternal life as “many courses”

Isn’t that true? When you read the first Epistle of John chapter one you see that John starts in a mysterious way to introduce something of the eternal life – and he begins with The Word Of Life… Just as before a large meal – like dinner – we sometimes have an appetizer, so when […]

via truthquestions.org.uk – When Is The Real Royal Wedding? Who takes part in the Royal Wedding?

Especially if you live in the UK, you have heard that Prince William is engaged and will get married soon. But really, When and Where is the real royal wedding? There are many preparations going on for this human wedding, and the whole United Kingdom / Great Britain is looking forward to this wedding…. but […]

testimony from my first university semester – living a normal Christian church life on the campus

Praise the Lord for the church life! Praise the Lord for growing up in the church life, in a Christian family! Here, we are so cared for, protected, and shepherded in what the Lord is doing today – the practical church life. Whether “we like it or not”, we will go to the meetings with […]