Today the Lord is recovering the matter of loving the Lord Jesus with the first love, the best love, and of loving one another for the building up of the church; we need to be one with the church-loving Christ and love the Lord to the uttermost by being constrained by His love. The […]
Love the Lord with the Best Love and Love one another for the Building up of the Body
The Local Church must be a Testimony of the Reality of the Body of Christ in Oneness

The tabernacle typifies God’s church on earth, the church of God in the localities, whereas the temple signifies the church as the reality of the Body of Christ; we love the local churches as the precious procedure for us to be brought into the reality of the Body of Christ as the glorious goal […]
Paying Attention to the Mingled Spirit and Living and Walking According to the Spirit

In the Lord’s recovery today we need to pay our full attention to the mingled spirit, the Spirit mingled with our spirit, and we should live, act, and have our being in the spirit so that we can truly reign in life and build up the church as the Body of Christ consummating in […]
Seeing the Difference between Natural Ability and Resurrected Ability in Serving God

We need to see the difference between the natural ability and the resurrected ability, for our natural being and natural ability are impotent and insufficient in the things of God, for He accepts only the manifestations of the ability of the maturity of life. Solomon was a man full of natural ability, but he […]
The New Testament is the Practical Fulfillment of God’s Eternal Economy

It is enlightening and amazing to realize that the Old Testament is a figurative portrait of God’s eternal economy and the New Testament is the practical fulfilment of God’s eternal economy. Wow! The entire Bible speaks of one thing, the very thing that was hidden in the heart of God for generations but was […]
In the Lord’s Recovery we must have the Vision of God’s Economy and be Controlled by it

We in the Lord’s recovery must have a vision of God’s economy and be strong and unshakable in this vision; if we love the Lord and His recovery and if we mean business to practice the church life in the recovery, we need to endeavour to see all the visions concerning God’s economy and […]
The Christian Life is a Life for God’s Economy to Build up the Body as His expression

God’s eternal economy is to gain a group of people into whom He dispenses Himself to be their life and everything so that they would be joined to Him as one, be filled and occupied with Him, and be one organic entity with Him on earth to be the Body of Christ; the Christian […]