In Phil. 4:13 Paul reveals the secret to us: doing all things in Christ as the One who empowers us; we need to be found in Christ, be a man in Christ, and do all things in Christ so that we may live Christ as our human virtues, thereby magnifying Him in His unlimited […]
Being Found in Christ and Doing all things in Christ who Empowers us to Magnify Him
Like Paul, we have the Aspiration to Gain Christ and be Found in Christ by All Men

Paul’s desire was to be found in Christ, not having his own righteousness but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is out of God and based on faith (Phil. 3:9). In the past, Paul was found by everyone in the law; he pursued the righteousness that came out of the law, […]
We’re able to do all Things in Christ who Empowers us to live out the Highest Virtues

We need to learn the secret of being content in all things and all environments, the secret to living Christ; this secret is Christ Himself, for we are able to do all things in Christ who empowers us. Paul testified in Phil. 4:12-13 that he knew how to be abased and how to abound, for […]
Being a Pattern of Living Christ, Magnifying Christ, and Living the Body Life

The apostle Paul was a pattern of living Christ, magnifying Christ, doing all things in Christ, and pursuing Christ to be found in Christ; he lived such a life when he was on his ministry journey and also in his imprisonment journey. Whether in good situation or in persecution, whether in outward success or imprisonment, […]
Seeing the Pattern of the Apostle Paul as one who Lived Christ for His Magnification

What we see in the book of Acts is not only a record of what the apostles and disciples did after the Lord left but the continuation of Christ, Jesus living again in the many members of His Body for His corporate expression. Today we are in “Acts chapter 29”, in one of the many […]
Christ should be our Humanity, and we need to be Found in Christ in our Daily Living

In serving the Lord we need to have a proper humanity by being found in Christ; the standard of our humanity should not merely be morality and ethics but Christ Himself, the God-man, who lived a life of the highest standard of morality and ethics by expressing God’s attributes through His aromatic human virtues. The […]