The meaning of prayer is first to absorb God, for the more we contact God, the more we will absorb Him, and the more we will enjoy Him as our light and salvation. Amen! This week we come to a new topic in the HWMR entitled, Prayer to Absorb God and to Express God by […]
The Meaning of Prayer is to Absorb God: we can Come to God as we Are to Contact God!
Turn our Heart to the Lord to Behold Him with Unveiled Face and be Transformed in His image

When we turn our heart to the Lord and behold Him with an unveiled face, we see God and are transformed by God into the same image as Christ from glory to glory for the purpose of God. Our heart is the key: we need to turn our heart to the Lord and deal with […]
Church Life is a Life of Feasting: we Serve the Lord and Testify of Resurrection Life

Outwardly the church may seem poor and afflicted, but inwardly the church life is a life of feasting in and with the presence of the Lord, full of saints who serve the Lord, testify of His resurrection life, and love Him. The story in John 12 is a type of the church life, for the […]
enjoying God in the house of God: beholding His beauty, tasting His goodness, and being saturated!
Our God is enjoyable – and He created us with the need for enjoyment… In the house of God we know and testify that God Himself is so enjoyable and pleasant! Praise the Lord, our God is an enjoyable God in an enjoyable house! This means that there’s loveliness, pleasantness, and delightfulness here – to behold the beauty of the Lord is pleasant, delightful, and lovely!
My heart overflows with a good matter; I speak what I have composed concerning the King(Psalm 45)
This week we are coming to Psalm 45 where we see Christ as King and the church, the believers, and the overcomers as the queen. Christ as the King is praised both directly (His fairness, victory, majesty, kingdom, and sweetness) and indirectly(by praising the church, the overcomers, and the believers as the queen). I love […]
a lifelong enjoyment of the divine goodness and lovingkindness in the house of Jehovah(Psalm 23)
Psalm 23 is a psalm on God’s economy, and God’s economy has as its goal the church, the house of God! The last verse in Psalm 23 therefore says, Surely goodness and lovingkindness will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of Jehovah for the length of […]
how lovely is the church, God’s dwelling place! We love being in God’s house, enjoying His presence!
The book of Psalms starts with the psalmists appreciating and uplifting the law (see Psa. 1), but God turns them again and again towards Christ – God’s heart’s desire, the precious One, the most lovely One, and the One anointed by God (see Psa. 2, 8, 16, 23, and 24). What a wonderful Christ! But […]