Every day we as believers in Christ need to be watchful by paying the price to buy the Spirit as the golden oil so that we may supply the churches with the Spirit for the testimony of Jesus and be rewarded by the Lord to participate in the marriage dinner of the Lamb. Amen! In […]
Twelve Ways to Pay the Price to Buy the Spirit as the Golden Oil in our Experience
Ten Ways to Labour on Christ as our Good Land and be the Lord’s Overcomers Today

If we want to be overcomers, we need to labour on Christ as our good land and gain Christ as our enjoyment; in this article, we want to see ten ways to labour on Christ in our daily life to gain Christ as our enjoyment and be the Lord’s overcomers. May the Lord enlighten us […]
Having a Continuous Prayer Life to be Filled in Spirit for an Enriched Church Life

In the church life, we need to persevere in prayer, having a continuous prayer life, so that we may be praying people, those who depend on the Lord in everything and who speak one with the Lord to meet the need. In order for us to have a proper church life, we need to […]
Allow Adequate Time for Prayer to Come to the Throne of Grace and Enjoy Mercy and Grace

As those who love the Lord and seek after Him, we need to have adequate times of prayer to absorb the Lord and be filled with the Spirit, and we need to come to the throne of grace to receive grace and mercy to recharge our spiritual batteries. Amen! Three of the most wonderful […]
Inner Experience of the Indwelling Christ and Pray-reading for the Genuine Church life

The genuine church life is through the inner experience of the indwelling Christ, especially His making His home in our heart; to have the genuine church life, we need to experience and enjoy the riches of Christ by pray reading the word of God. Amen! This week we have been enjoying the matter of […]
Pray ourselves into God to be Filled with the Spirit and Flow out the Spirit to others

As those who are learning to be faithful and prudent slaves feeding the Lord’s folks until He comes, we need to be sons of fresh oil who are continually being filled with Spirit and flow out the Spirit for the shining of the lampstand, the testimony of Jesus! Amen! In Matt. 24 the Lord […]
As People of Faith, Be Filled in Spirit today and Beware of an Evil Heart of Unbelief

As people of faith, we need to be filled in spirit today and beware of an evil heart of unbelief. May we beware lest perhaps there be in any one of us an evil heart of unbelief in falling away from the living God; may we realize we only have today, so we need […]