The flow of water of life causes everything to live, for the flow of the river produces trees, fish, and cattle, indicating that there’s an increase in life and in numbers; this river heals and waters, brings in life and nourishes, and produces the increase! Hallelujah for the river of water of life flowing out […]
The Flow of Water of Life Heals, Waters, and brings in Increase in Life and Number
Our Eternal Blessing is the Divine Dispensing: the River flowing out of the Throne of God

Our eternal blessing is nothing else but the divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity into us – the river of water of life flowing out of the throne of God and reaching us, flowing in us, and flowing through us! The divine dispensing of the Divine Trinity can be seen in the New Jerusalem […]
Authority and Fellowship flow in the River of Water of Life from the Throne of God

The throne of God and of the Lamb, the center of the New Jerusalem and the divine government in the church life, is not only the source of the divine administration but also the source of the divine fellowship; authority and fellowship go together in God’s economy. It is important for us to see that […]
Divine Government in the Church Life comes from the Throne of God by the Flow of Life and Grace

In the church life, there is a divine government, and this government comes from the throne of God and of the Lamb, flowing out to supply us with grace; the throne of God is the throne of grace to us in our experience today. According to the divine revelation in the New Testament, the authority […]
Fellowship is the Flow of the Divine Life within and among us, the Circulation in the Body

We need to see and enter into the intrinsic fellowship of the churches, which is the flow of the eternal life within, through, and among all the members of the Body of Christ, the circulation in the Body of Christ. This week in our morning revival we come to the main topic of, The Intrinsic […]
Being One with God’s Work in the Divine Stream Today for the Increase of Christ

Today in our morning revival we start a new topic, The Increase of Christ for the Building up of the Church (based on the 2016 Memorial day Conference). In our Christian life we need to be hungry for more of God, hungry for more of what He has to say to us, and poor in […]
The Way of the Lord’s Recovery is the Way of the Eternal Life; Life is God Himself

The Lord’s recovery is not only a recovery of the truth but also of life. This week we are getting into the matter of the eternal life in a deeper way to see some important principles related to the application and experience of this life in our Christian life and service today. The Lord’s recovery […]