Regeneration is the greatest miracle, yet it takes place in a normal way, a miraculous normality in our Christian life; similarly, calling on the name of the Lord is a normality, yet miraculously, when we call we get the totality of the Triune God. Hallelujah! May we be those who live a life of […]
Our Regeneration and Calling on the Name of the Lord are a Miraculous Normality
Living a Christian Life according to the Miraculous Normality of the Divine Economy

As believers in Christ, we have a life of ordinary days in the divine dispensing according to the miraculous normality of the divine economy; the things of God that we experience are miraculous, but we enjoy and experience them in a normal way. Hallelujah! Many Christians expect that God would do some supernatural things […]
Live a Miraculous yet Normal Life having Spiritual Experiences that Match the Church Life

We need to love the Lord Jesus in incorruptibility in the spiritual experiences that match the church life as unveiled in the book of Ephesians. The book of Ephesians ends with, The grace of the Lord be with those who love the Lord Jesus in incorruptibility. The conclusion of the entire book is that […]
The Triune God is Operating in us in a Normal yet altogether Miraculous way Daily

As believers in Christ, we are under the operation of God, for the Triune God is operating in us both the willing and the working for His good pleasure (Phil. 2:13); we need to see that God’s operating in us is a miraculous normality, for even though He operates, it so normal and quiet, […]
It is God who Operates in us both the Willing and the Working: He Moves by Operating in us

The book of Philippians shows us that God is operating in us; Phil. 2:12-13 speaks of us working out our own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God who operates in us both the willing and the working. Hallelujah! This week in our deeper study on the topic of Living in and […]