In speaking of the end of this age, the Bible doesn’t leave us in darkness, for it tells us concerning the Antichrist and what kind of person he is like, and we are warned of his wearing out tactics even upon the saints of the Most High. Nebuchadnezzar had a dream of a great human […]
Seeing Satan’s Wearing out Tactics and Praying to be the Lord’s Overcomers Today
Paying the Price to have the Upper-Room Consecration to follow the Heavenly Vision

For us to be in the continuation of the book of Acts, we need to continue to live in the divine history by having an upper-room consecration, being willing to pay the price and be “married” to the heavenly vision of Christ and the church. If we read the book of Acts we will realise […]
Today’s Nazarites Overcome Death and Natural Affection; They Bless Others with God!

Today the Lord needs Nazarites, those who are consecrated to Him for His purpose. All the believers in Christ are His priests, but they have failed Him in accomplishing His purpose. Therefore, God is looking for those who willingly consecrate themselves to Him, separating themselves unto Him and sanctifying themselves for His purpose. These have […]
Living in the Principle of the Nazarite by Overcoming Worldly Enjoyment and Rebellion

We are not our own: we belong to God, He has bought us with the high price of the death of His Son, and now it is an honor and a privilege for us to consecrate ourselves to the Lord to live to Him and no longer to ourselves (2 Cor. 5:15). All those who […]
Offering Ourselves Willingly to the Lord and Becoming the Morning Dew to Refresh Him

In Psalm 110 we see a very practical way to enjoy Christ in His heavenly ministry as the kingly High Priest: by offering ourselves to Him willingly in the day of His warfare, in the day of our consecration, and by being to Him like the dew from the womb of the dawn, refreshing Him […]
bless the Lord now, all you servants of the Lord! Jehovah bless you from Zion!

Psalm 134 is the conclusion of Psalm 133, and Psalm 133 is the continuation of Psalm 132. At the end of Psalm 132 we see that God enters into His rest and we are satisfied in the habitation of God. As a continuation, Psalm 133 describes the sweet and wonderful church life in oneness under […]
seeing the highest revelation of Christ and willingly consecrating ourselves to Him
Today we can cooperate with Chirst in His heavenly ministry, as He is on His way to victory, by being the young men who offer themselves willingly in the day of His warfare, in the splendor of their consecration (Psa. 110:3). Our willing consecration is our consent, our surrender to the Lord – our whole life and our whole being is for His economy and for His recovery! When we offer ourselves willingly to the Lord, in His eyes we are beautified with a divine heavenly splendor. O, the joy of having nothing, seeing nothing, and caring for nothing but God’s interest here on earth! [continue reading a portion inspired from message 6 in the Crystallization Study of Psalms(2)]