New Jerusalem is the Universal Golden Lampstand, the Ultimate Consummation of the Lampstands

Rev. 1:20 The mystery of the seven stars which you saw upon My right hand and the seven golden lampstands: The seven stars are the messengers of the seven churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven churches.

The New Jerusalem, the holy city, is the universal golden lampstand, the ultimate consummation of the lampstands in the Scriptures. The entire city is like a mountain of gold, and on top of it there’s the throne of God and the Lamb, where God shines in the Lamb as the lamp, and this light is diffused, amplified, and shined out by the walls of the city to the whole universe.

The New Jerusalem is the ultimate consummation of all that God has done and is doing; furthermore, it is the consummation of the central vision of God’s economy and of the high peak of the divine revelation.

If you read Rev. 21-22 you will be amazed to see that the New Jerusalem is a miraculous structure of treasure built with all kinds of precious materials, and here God and man are mingled, blended, constituted together, and incorporated into one another for their mutual dwelling place and living for eternity.

In the New Jerusalem we have the consummation of the principle that in Christ God became man to make man God in life and nature but not in the Godhead; in the New Jerusalem we see a corporate great God-man – God dwelling in man and man dwelling in God, God shining in Christ through man, and man serving God in God as the temple.

Another aspect of the New Jerusalem is that it is the real and consummate Shulammite – a corporate Shulammite which includes all of God’s chosen and redeemed people.

In the beginning of the Bible we see Adam and Eve, and at the end of the Bible we have the Spirit and the Bride; the New Jerusalem is the consummation of the divine-human romance between God and man.

Just as the loving seeker in Song of Song went through a process and became the Shulammite, fully matching Solomon in love, so we as sinners pass through a lifelong process to become the New Jerusalem to fully match our Triune God for our marriage life together for eternity.

The wife of Christ and Christ will be joined together to be the New Jerusalem for God’s expression – this is the consummate Shulammite. Today we want to see how the New Jerusalem is the universal golden lampstand, the ultimate consummation of the lampstands in the Scriptures.

The New Jerusalem is the Universal Golden Lampstand, the Ultimate Consummation of the Lampstands in the Scriptures

The New Jerusalem, the aggregate of all the lampstands, the totality of today’s lampstands, is a consummate, universal golden lampstand to shine forth God’s glory in the new heaven and new earth for eternity (Rev. 21:24). Witness LeeThroughout the Bible, there’s the mentioning of the lampstand, and the New Jerusalem is the ultimate consummation of the lampstands in the Scriptures.

First, in the tabernacle in the wilderness with Moses, there was a golden lampstand in the Holy Place; this lampstand signifies Christ Himself as the embodiment and shining out of God (Exo. 25:31-37).

Then, the lampstand in the temple, the enlarged and more solid tabernacle for God’s people to serve God on earth, signifies the enlarged Christ (1 Kings 7:49).

The lampstand in Zech. 4:2 signifies the people of Israel as God’s testimony and expression on earth.

In the New Testament, we also see the lampstands – the Son of Man is walking among the seven golden lampstands in Rev. 1:12-20; these lampstands signify the churches, the local churches.

When Christ came in incarnation, He was a lampstand: He embodied God, expressed God, made God visible, did everything by the Spirit of God, and shined out God.

In His resurrection, Christ has been enlarged to become the church as the Body of Christ; now all the genuine local churches are the many golden lampstands as the reproduction of Christ and the reprint of the Spirit.

The children of Israel as God’s people were a lampstand, and the churches as God’s chosen people are the lampstands.

The New Jerusalem is the universal golden lampstand, the ultimate consummation of the lampstands in the Scriptures. The churches as golden lampstands will be consummated in the New Jerusalem, the aggregate of all the lampstands (Rev. 1:20; 21:18b, 23). The New Jerusalem, a mountain of gold, is the universal golden lampstand holding the Lamb as the lamp shining out God as the light (vv. 18, 23; 22:1, 5). 2016 fall ITERO, outline 9The one aggregate and the consummation of all the lampstands will be the New Jerusalem. According to the record in Rev. 21-21, the New Jerusalem is a gold mountain (Rev. 21:18) like a stand, and Christ is the lamp on the stand (v. 23) with God as the light within Him (22:5).

The New Jerusalem is the ultimate consummation of the golden lampstands – the universal golden lampstand. In the beginning of the book of Revelation we see seven golden lampstands (the local churches) and in the last two chapters we see one unique lampstand, the New Jerusalem.

All the churches as the golden lampstands will be consummated in the New Jerusalem as the universal golden lampstand.

Just think about it: the New Jerusalem is a golden city (Rev. 21:18), the one street reaches all the twelve gates (21:21; 22:2), the wall of the city is 144 cubits high (21:27), and the city itself is 12.000 stadia wide, high, and long (21:16) – the city proper is a mountain of gold!

On top of this mountain there’s the throne of God, from which the street spirals down to the twelve gates; on the throne is Christ (the Lamb) with God as the light within Him (Rev. 22:1). Hallelujah, what a vision of the New Jerusalem as the universal golden lampstand, the ultimate consummation of the lampstands in the Scriptures!

Lord, grant us to see a vision of the New Jerusalem as the universal golden lampstand, the ultimate consummation of the lampstands in the Scriptures! May we realize that the entire city is like a mountain of gold, and God in Christ is the lamp on top, shining out through man to the whole universe! Amen, Hallelujah, the New Jerusalem, the wife of the Lamb, is a shining holy city, the aggregate of all the lampstands, to shine out God in Christ through man to the universe! Praise the Lord!

Experiencing the Aspects of the Triune God depicted in the Lampstand to be the Golden Lampstand

The golden lampstand signifies the Triune God embodied and expressed, and the more we experience the aspects of the Triune God depicted in the lampstand, the more we will be in reality the golden lampstand as the embodiment and expression of the Triune God and thus become the New Jerusalem as the universal golden lampstand (Rev. 1:12, 20; 21:18). 2016 fall ITERO, outline 9It is quite an amazing view to see the New Jerusalem as the aggregate of all the lampstands, the totality of today’s lampstands; the New Jerusalem is a consummate, universal golden lampstand to shine forth God’s glory in the new heaven and new earth for eternity (Rev. 21:24). And it is so wonderful that we can apply this to our Christian experience.

We need to consider the substance, the shape, and the expression of the golden lampstand; the substance is of gold, the shape is of a lampstand, and the expression is the seven lamps burning with fire.

Here we see the entire Divine Trinity: the Father is the substance and source (His divine nature is typified by the gold), the Son is the embodiment of the Father to express Him – He is the shape or form of the lampstand, and the Spirit has been intensified sevenfold to be the seven Spirits of God, the seven lamps of burning fire, the expression of the lampstand.

The golden lampstand gives us a practical understanding of the Divine Trinity: the Trinity is for the dispensing of the processed Triune God into humanity for the fulfillment of God’s purpose to have a corporate expression of Himself for eternity.

God the Father is embodied in Christ and expressed through the sevenfold intensified Spirit, and we can receive the Triune God by simply turning to our spirit and touching the Lord.

The golden lampstand signifies the Triune God embodied and expressed, and the more we experience the aspects of the Triune God depicted in the lampstand, the more we will be in the reality of the golden lampstand.

We need to experience the Father’s divine nature, the Son’s embodiment and expression of the Father, and the Spirit’s shining and burning, so that we may be in reality the golden lampstand as the embodiment and expression of the Triune God.

When we experience the aspects of the Triune God depicted in the lampstand, we will become the New Jerusalem as the universal golden lampstand.

We need to partake of the Father’s holy divine nature by praying over His word to be sanctified and saturated with His nature. We need to enjoy Christ in our spirit by exercising our spirit and reading the Bible to be infused with all His riches, and by fellowshipping with the saints to enjoy Him in the Body. We need to allow the Spirit to sweep in us, search us, burn us, judge us, and infuse us with God’s element so that we may be produced as the overcomers today.

The Triune God is not for theological understanding or for our mind to comprehend but for us to exercise our spirit and our whole being to experience the many aspects of the Triune God so that we may become His corporate expression, the New Jerusalem!

Lord Jesus, we want to experience the aspects of the Triune God depicted in the lampstand so that we may be in reality the golden lampstand as the embodiment and expression of the Triune God, and thus become the New Jerusalem as the universal golden lampstand! We want to partake of the Father’s holy divine nature by the promises in God’s word, enjoy the Son’s riches and expression by eating Him in His word and with the saints, and the Spirit’s shining and infusing by opening to His inward searching and judging! Amen, Lord, make us in reality the golden lampstand, the New Jerusalem!

References and Hymns on this Topic
  • Inspiration: the Word of God, my enjoyment in the ministry, the message by brother Ron K. for this week, and portions from, The Conclusion of the New Testament, msgs. 219-220 (by W. Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on, Returning to the Orthodoxy of the Church (2016 fall ITERO), msg. 9 (week 9), The New Jerusalem — the Consummation of the Central Vision of God’s Economy and of the High Peak of the Divine Revelation through the Overcomers, Who Return to the Orthodoxy of the Church.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # The churches are the Body / Of Christ on earth today. / They are His testimony, / That He may have a way. / They are the golden lampstands / In cities far and wide. / They are His fighting army, / And His beloved Bride. (Hymns #1265)
    # Her local gatherings model / The New Jerusalem; / Its aspects and its details / Must show in all of them. / Christ is the Lamp that shineth, / With God within, the Light; / They are the lampstands bearing / His glorious Image bright. (Hymns #824)
    # There are seven golden lampstands in the nature all divine— / Nothing natural does the Body life allow. / When we’re one and share God’s nature, / how the lampstand then does shine— / Hallelujah, it is brightly shining now! / Hallelujah for the Body! / For the lampstands of the Body! / For the golden, shining Body! / Hallelujah, it is brightly shining now! (Hymns #1226)
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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brother L.
brother L.
8 years ago

As we consider the substance, the shape, and the expression of the golden lampstand as implying the significance of the Triune God, we gain a practical understanding of the Trinity. The Trinity is for the dispensing of the processed Triune God into humanity for the fulfillment of God’s purpose to have a corporate expression of Himself for eternity. God, the Divine Being, is first embodied in Christ and then expressed through the sevenfold intensified Spirit. Now we not only have the Triune God; in the lampstand we have the Triune God substantially and solidly embodied and expressed. The gold has been formed into the solid stand for the fulfillment of God’s purpose….This stand, which is a type of Christ, is expressed through the seven lamps signifying the seven Spirits of God. The golden lampstand, then, signifies the Triune God embodied and expressed. Its essence is the Father, its form is the Son, and its expression is the Spirit. Because we have in the lampstand the element of gold signifying God the Father, the stand signifying God the Son, and the seven lamps signifying God the Spirit, we have the ground to say that the lampstand itself is the embodiment and expression of the Triune God. (The Conclusion of the New Testament, pp. 2345, 2334, by Witness Lee)

Fran B
Fran B
8 years ago

Thank you! Lord!!

Felix P.
Felix P.
8 years ago

Praise the Lord!

Brian B.
Brian B.
8 years ago

Amen! OLJ!

Rosalina T.
Rosalina T.
8 years ago


Trevor K.
Trevor K.
8 years ago

Hallelujah for the Holy city New Jerusalem

Adin G.
Adin G.
8 years ago


Inday D.
Inday D.
8 years ago

Amen, The great corporate God-man….!

Dawn D.
Dawn D.
8 years ago

Amen to the Corporate One New man?❤

Klazien B.
Klazien B.
8 years ago

Amen Hallelujah!