Based on the 2018 Summer Semi-annual Training and the ministry of brothers Watchman Nee and Witness Lee, the second part of the Crystallization-Study of Leviticus focuses Lev. 8 to the end of the book. What a wonderful God we have: He wants us to be His people who live a holy, clean and rejoicing life, and by giving us the offerings, the priesthood, and the feasts with all their ordinances, we can be His people! It is so good to see the type in Leviticus and the application in the New Testament, and it is so enjoyable to enter into the experience of what Leviticus shows us by pray-reading the word of God and having an open heart to the Lord to do this in us!
You can purchase this book via epub lsm store (for iSilo), amazon, Living Stream, iTunes, and google play. Enjoy below an overflow of the sharing of enjoyment of the saints on these wonderful matters in the book of Leviticus.
Crystallization-Study of Leviticus (2)
Msg. 1 (week 13) – The Consecration of the Priests
- Being Constituted with Christ to be Consecrated to God and Ordained by Him as Priests
- We’re Washed and Anointed by the Spirit for our Consecration for the Priesthood
- Being Adorned with the Expression of Christ as our Priestly Garments in our Living
- Experience and Minister Christ as the Sin-Dealing Life to others for our Priesthood
- We Maintain the Oneness of the Spirit by Loving and Bearing one Another in the Church
- Taking Christ as our Absoluteness and our Consecration in Serving God as Priests
Reference for prophesying: see this link.
Msg. 2 (week 14) – The Basis of All Our Priestly Service—the Fire from the Altar of Burnt Offering
Reference for prophesying: see this link.
Msg. 3 (week 15) – Hebrews as an Exposition of Leviticus
- Hebrews is an Exposition of Leviticus with its Fine and Detailed Types of Christ
- Hebrews shows how the All-Inclusive Christ came to Replace the Offerings with Himself
- Christ is God’s Speaking, the Effulgence of God’s Glory and the Impress of His Substance
- Christ is the Captain of our Salvation and the Apostle and Builder of God’s House
- Christ is our Great High Priest, our Forerunner, our Guarantee, and our Minister
- Christ Obtained an Eternal Redemption and Opened the Way into the Holy of Holies
Reference for prophesying: see this link.
Msg. 4 (week 16) – The Significance of Eating and the Defeat of Death
- Knowing the Significance of Eating Jesus and Practicing to Eat Jesus and be Supplied
- God wants us to Eat, Digest, and Assimilate Him and become the Reality of His Kingdom
- We become Overcomers and are Cleansed by Eating Christ as the All-inclusive Bread
- In God’s Eyes Death is more Defiling and Abominable than Sin, but Life is most Precious
- Satan Attacks the Church with Death, but Christ Overcame Death and we have His Life!
- Christ Nullified Death – we can Reign in Life over Death and Minister Life to others
Reference for prophesying: see this link.
Msg. 5 (week 17) – The Cleansing of Leprosy
- Spiritual Leprosy issues from Rebellion and Sin, but we can be Healed from Leprosy
- Christ’s All-inclusive Salvation Cleanses us and Heals us from Spiritual Leprosy
- The Lord’s Perfect Redemption causes us to be Cleansed and to Experience Christ
- The Lord’s Redemption Cleanses us and brings us to Experience Christ in Resurrection
- Dealing with the Self and the Natural Life through the Cross for our Full Cleansing
- God’s Prescription to Deal with the Leprosy in the House to Heal and Renew the Church
Reference for prophesying: see this link.
Msg. 6 (week 18) – The Expiation
- Christ accomplished Expiation – He Redeemed us by making Propitiation for our Sins
- The Sprinkling of the Blood of Christ Satisfies God and gives us Assurance and Peace
- Christ Bore our Sins, put sin on Satan and sent it Away, and made Propitiation for sin
- Christ made Propitiation for us by Satisfying God’s Demands to make us One with God
- Christ Made Propitiation, and He’s the Propitiatory Sacrifice and the Propitiation Place
- We Experience Christ as the Propitiation Place through Faith in His Precious Blood
Reference for prophesying: see this link.
Msg. 7 (week 19) – Chosen to Be Holy with a Holy Living to Express the Holy God and Become the Holy City
- God Chose us to be Holy and He makes us Holy by Imparting His Holy Element into us
- God Sanctifies us by Saturating us with His Holy Element until we’re without Blemish
- The Divine Dispensing is the Base for our Living a Holy Life for the Church Life
- Put off the Old Man, not be Conformed to this Age, and Put on the New Man
- Living a Holy Life and Enjoying Christ in Fellowship with the Saints in a Fresh Way
- Living a Holy Life with no Mixture by Contacting Christ to Experience Him
Reference for prophesying: see this link.
Msg. 8 (week 20) – The Feasts (1) The Sabbath and the Feasts of the Passover and Unleavened Bread
- Feasting with the Lord by Entering into His Rest and Enjoying Him with the Saints
- We keep the Sabbath when we Rest and Enjoy God in a Solemn Way for His Satisfaction
- Christ is our Passover; He’s our Redemption to Begin our Enjoyment of God’s Salvation
- The Lord’s Table Replaces and Continues the Feast of the Passover: Christ is our Passover
- Feasting on Christ as our Sinless Life Supply and Dealing with the Manifested Sins
- Feasting on Christ as the Unleavened Bread to live a Sinless and Pure Church Life
Reference for prophesying: see this link.
Msg. 9 (week 21) – The Feasts (2) The Feast of Firstfruits, the Feast of Pentecost, and the Feast of Tabernacles
- The Feast of Firstfruits signifies the Resurrected Christ for our Enjoyment as a Feast
- In His Resurrection Christ Justified us before God and came to Live in us a Justified Life
- Enjoying the Resurrected Christ as the Firstfruits and becoming the Firstfruits in Him
- The Feast of Pentecost signifies our Enjoyment of the Outpoured Spirit of Christ
- The Spirit was Outpoured on the Day of Pentecost for the Formation of the Church
- God will Gain a Full Harvest and we will have a Full and Ultimate Enjoyment of Christ
Reference for prophesying: see this link.
Msg. 10 (week 22) – The Jubilee (1)
- In the Year of Jubilee we Return to God as our Inheritance and We’re Freed from Slavery
- Man Lost God and Sold himself in Slavery, but Christ brought in the Age of Jubilee
- Being in Ecstasy before God by having a Sufficient Enjoyment of Christ as the Jubilee
- Living Christ and Allowing Him to Live in us for us to Live in the Jubilee Today
- God is our Inheritance and Possession, and He is our real Dwelling Place and Home
- Living in the Jubilee by Continually Enjoying God as our Possession and Portion
Reference for prophesying: see this link.
Msg. 11 (week 23) – The Jubilee (2)
- As we enjoy the Freedoms and Blessings of the Jubilee, we also Proclaim the Jubilee
- God’s Salvation causes us to have Real Freedom, Freedom Comes from Enjoying God
- We’re Released from the Slavery of Sin only by Enjoying Christ as the Life-giving Spirit
- The Law of the Spirit of Life in our Spirit Spontaneously Delivers us from the Law of Sin
- Exercising our Spirit to Switch on the Law of Life and Enjoy Christ as the Jubilee
- The Living of the Jubilee is a Living in the Enjoyment of Christ full of Rejoicing
Reference for prophesying: see this link.
Msg. 12 (week 24) – The Processed Triune God, His Work, and the Result of His Work
- We should Not have Idols – God Himself should be our Unique Goal, the One we Seek
- Our Triune God has been Processed and Consummated to become the Spirit
- We need to Know that the Work of God was done entirely by Himself for us to Enjoy it
- We need to Know the Work of the Triune God and Enjoy the Work of God and of Christ
- We need to Highly Regard the Work of the Spirit and Reverence God’s Sanctuary
- Treasuring the Church as the House of the Living God and Enjoying God’s Blessing
Reference for prophesying: see this link.
To prepare for our prophesy for the building up of the Body of Christ, we need to contact the Lord and get into His word. A helpful website with prophesying reference and the main points for each of the weeks is ChurchInfo – Prophesying Reference (we posted the links after each week for PSRP and preparation).
Crystallization-study of Leviticus (2) – Banners
Those who have a desire to serve God must know that God is a consuming fire that burns and energizes; this fire should be the energy, the driving force, the impulse, within us that becomes the genuine motivating power of our service.
God wants us to eat, digest, and assimilate Him as food so that He becomes the constituent of our inward being, and we become God in life, nature, constitution, and expression but not in the Godhead.
We must receive the Lord Jesus as the real jubilee in us; if we have Him, we have God as our possession and can be delivered from the bondage of sin and Satan to have real freedom and rest.
We need to understand the intrinsic significance of the processed Triune God, the work that He has done entirely by Himself, and the result of His work—the church as the enlargement of Christ for God’s dwelling and eternal manifestation.
Sing and enjoy the first two banners below – as composed and put on music via,
Banner 1 – God Is a Consuming Fire

2018 Summer Training on the Crystallization-study of Leviticus (2) Banner 1 in English – Those who have a desire to serve God must know that God is a consuming fire that burns and energizes; this fire should be the energy, the driving force, the impulse, within us that becomes the genuine motivating power of our service.
Listen to the music via, God is a Consuming Fire, and download the PDF here.
Banner 2 – God wants us to eat
Listen to the music via, God wants us to eat, and download the PDF file here.
Banner 3 – The real Jubilee

Crystallization-study of Leviticus (2) – banner 3 in English, The Real Jubilee
Enjoy the song for the third banner from the Crystallization-study of Leviticus (2) and see the PDF music sheet here.
Banner 4 – We Need to Understand

Crystallization-study of Leviticus (2) – banner 4 in English, We Need to Understand
Listen the song for the third banner from the Crystallization-study of Leviticus (2) and see the PDF music sheet here.