God created us with a free will so that we may freely choose Him

I think that we all, at one point in life, wondered about this: Why didn’t God create man NOT with a free will – why are things so much more complicated now, since there’s God and there’s Satan, and we have to choose one of them? If God would have just made us with a […]

All that Christ has attained and obtained is to the church!

When we were regenerated, we became members of the Body of Christ – where Christ is the Head and we, the believers in Christ, are the many members of the Body. Just like in a human body, whatever the head does/has/attains unto, it is the same for the body (of the head). If the head […]

God’s eternal power and divine characteristics are clearly seen in the creation

Romans 1:20 says For the invisible things of Him, both His eternal power and divine characteristics, have been clearly seen since the creation of the world, being perceived by the things made, so that they would be without excuse; God is invisible, and no one has ever seen God. But the creation itself speaks about […]

God’s heart’s desire and His eternal purpose, His economy, are related to man!

From eternity past to eternity future, God was, is, and will be. He simply exists: He existed even before time began! But at one point there was a council in the divine Trinity – The Triune God took a decision, He had a counsel – He wants a corporate expression in this universe (Gen 1:26)! For this, […]

the new worship that the Father needs in the new age of the New Testament

I just realized this morning that in John 4:23 the Lord Jesus says “But an hour is coming, and it is now…” – this shows that there was a change of the age! In the past/our religious way, it used to be different, BUT now, the true worshippers worship God in spirit and in truthfulness! […]

worshipping God in the dispensing of the Triune God!

God wants us to worship Him, and as we saw previously, to worship God according to His desire is to eat Him and to drink Him. In the writings of Paul we see some examples of such proper worship to God, like Eph 3:14-17, For this cause I bow my knees unto the Father, of […]

the divine history within the human history, God’s economy and purpose

In school we are being taught about the history of our nation & the history of the continent we live in & the history of the world. We daily hear/watch news about the leaders of the countries taking certain decisions, events taking place in different parts of the world, wars, good news or bad news. […]