There is so much about this wonderful Person, Christ! We can never exhaust speaking about Him, appreciating Him, and enjoying Him! This morning I was freshly impressed with the fact that Christ is the Servant of Jehovah – He was the Servant of Jehovah in eternity past, He became the Servant of Jehovah in humanity, […]
Christ is the Servant of God, and we are saved to serve(we are all serving ones!)
we need to pass through Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho, and the river Jordan – for the new creation!
There is a story in the Old Testament about Elijah the prophet and his disciple/continuation, Elisha. In 2 Kings 2:1-15, we see that Elijah was about to be raptured, so he told Elisha to stay in that place where they were because God called him to go to Gilgal. Elisha said, “As Jehovah lives and […]
proclaiming the glad tidings, Behold Your God! Our Lord Jesus is a Wonderful Shepherd…
Isaiah 40:9 declares the glad tidings when it says, Behold Your God! When God is here, when we see Him and we have Him, we have everything! Jehovah is here – Jesus is here – and He is our God! When we have God, all our problems are solved, all our needs are met, all […]
the all-inclusive Christ is Jehovah God, the Great I Am; Jesus is the I AM!
When Jehovah sent Moses to deliver the children of Israel from Egypt, He told him, “Thus shall you say to the children of Israel, I AM has sent me to you” (Exo. 3:14). The Jehovah of the people of Israel, the One who is their God and wants to relate to them and have them […]
sharing from the crystallization-study of Isaiah(2) – the all-inclusive Christ as seen in Isaiah(part 1)

Without any doubt, the riches of our Lord Jesus Christ are truly immeasurable, boundless, and eternal. The past Winter Video Training focusing on the book of Isaiah proved that even more. In my whole experience as a Christian, I can admit that it is only now, after this video training, that I began to understand […]
the church today is the reproduction of Christ and the reprint of the Spirit

WOW! Have you ever heard such a statement? There is actually a book by brother Witness Lee called, The Church – The Reprint of The Spirit, and this morning I enjoyed some portions from this book (as quoted in the morning revival on, The Need for a Fresh Vision of the Lord’s Recovery). How can […]
everyone who thirsts, come buy and eat without money and without price! Just come!
God’s ways are truly higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts. Our thought is that we need to do something for God, and our way is to do it from ourselves and by ourselves. God’s thought is to dispense Himself into us and be expressed through us, and His way […]