As those whom the Lord has shined on to show us what the New Jerusalem is, we need to have the realization that we are living out the New Jerusalem to become the New Jerusalem and we are working out the New Jerusalem to build the New Jerusalem(1 Cor. 3:9, 12-17). The New Jerusalem as […]
being those living out and working out the New Jerusalem to become and build the New Jerusalem!
the structure, furnishings, and supply of the New Jerusalem is the Triune God mingled and built with man!
The New Jerusalem is “a miraculous structure of treasure” – the consummation of all God’s work throughout the ages. All that God accomplished and all His heart’s desire is consummated in and as the New Jerusalem. The whole city is constituted of precious materials like gold as the base, precious stones as the walls, and […]
the unique goal of our Christian work should be the New Jerusalem; God’s goal is the New Jerusalem!
What is the goal of our Christian life, and what is the goal of our Christian work? Some Christians are fervently loving the Lord and preaching the gospel with the goal of winning souls to bring people to heaven. Other people establish Bible schools, training centres, and seminaries to teach sound doctrines and theology. Other […]
we are being transformed and built into a miraculous structure of treasure, the New Jerusalem!
“The New Jerusalem is built by the Triune God, as the divine Architect and Builder, with Himself and His deified people as the material to be a miraculous structure of treasure; He is God in us to make us God in Him (Heb. 11:10; 1 Cor. 3:12; 1 Pet. 2:4-5; Rev. 21:3)” – quote from the […]
the New Jerusalem is the Reflection and Consummation of the type in the Garden of Eden
The consummation of God’s salvation and the conclusion of the entire revelation in the Scriptures is the New Jerusalem! This week we are enjoying two particular aspects of the New Jerusalem – the Reflection & Fulfillment of the Divine Revelation concerning the Garden of Eden AND the Unique Goal of the Christian Work. The New […]
having a consciousness of the Body by remaining in the organic union with the Lord
Where does the consciousness for the Body of Christ come from? Yesterday we saw that we need to exercise and cultivate the inward sense of the divine life that we may have the sense of the Body – and we do this by spending time with the Lord! Our inner sense is being developed as […]
The function of the compound Spirit is to anoint us with all the elements of the compound ointment!
We have seen what the ingredients and the components of the holy anointing ointment are – the only God with divinity, the Triune God(the Father, the Son, and the Spirit), man(the creature of God), the precious death of Christ, the sweetness and effectiveness of Christ’s death, the precious resurrection of Christ, the power of Christ’s […]