God’s desire is to be the fountain of living waters to His people for them to drink, have their thirst quenched, and spontaneously live a life for God’s purpose. In order to become the fountain of living waters to us, God became a man and, in Christ, He was smitten on the cross (as the […]
Singing to the Well and Digging Away all the Dirt in our Being so that Life may Flow
The God of Abraham is the God of Changelessness and the Triune God of Provision

Who God is to us depends on how much of Him we experience in our daily living. If God is only the God of glory appearing to us, we will be attracted by Him to come out of anything of the old man to Himself in the new creation. If God is the One who […]
The God of Abraham is the God of Blessing: He Blesses us and Makes us a Blessing

As believers in Christ, our God is the God of Abraham. This means that we need to know and experience God as the God of Abraham in all His aspects. First of all, God is the One who calls us by appearing to us as the God of glory. His appearing attracts us, and He […]
In Christ and By the Organic Union with God we are Sons of God and Sons of Abraham

When you read the story of Abraham, how God called him and promised him a seed which fulfills God’s purpose, you may be “happy for Abraham” but may wonder what does this have to do with you. Abraham was a Hebrew, a Jew, someone called out by God and chosen by Him to be part […]
God Made the Promise, Christ Fulfilled it, and the Believers Enjoy the Blessing!

God didn’t give up on man after Adam fell in the garden of Eden; He continued to seek man and desired to gain man for His purpose. He gained Abel, Enosh, Enoch, Noah and his family, etc. until one day the God of glory appeared to Abraham in the Ur of Chaldea’s. God’s appearing attracted […]
The Israel of God is the Church in the Triune God, the Church in the Processed God

The issue of knowing and experiencing God as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob is the Israel of God, the church in the Triune God (1 Thes. 1:1; Matt. 28:19). The issue of our experience of God as our source and Father (the God of Abraham), as the […]
Further Aspects of the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob

Our God is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. As the real Israel of God, God’s spiritual people today, we need to know and experience God as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. The experiences Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob had with […]