Christ as the Seed of David became the firstborn Son of God – a human seed became a divine Son! This is amazing! Hallelujah! This week in our crystallization study of the books of 1 and 2 Samuel we come to the topic of, The Seed of David Becoming the Son of God, which […]
Amazing: the Seed of David becomes the Son of God! Let’s enjoy this Wonderful Christ!
Overcomers Hasten Christ’s Return as King to Raise up the Fallen Tabernacle of David

Christ will come and raise up the fallen tabernacle of David – He will restore the fallen kingdom of David to set up His kingdom for the restoration of the entire universe, and all the nations will become God’s people! Wow, Hallelujah! This week as we have been studying in a prayerful way the […]
Having God Wrought into us for the Church and Hastening the Coming Kingdom of Christ

The kingdom of David typifies the coming kingdom of Christ; today we have the privilege to have God wrought into our being to make us His kingdom, His people, His habitation. Hallelujah! If we look around us today we see so much violence and corruption, and there seems to be no righteousness on earth […]
As the real David, Jesus is our Shepherd and King: as He Shepherds us, we Enthrone Him

As the real David, Jesus Christ is our Shepherd and our King; as He shepherds us and cares for us, we are under His kingship, and as He rules us, we are being under His shepherding. Hallelujah! It is amazing to see that there was such a person as David in the Old Testament […]
David Typifies the Suffering Christ: God Answered His Prayer in Resurrection and Ascension
![This One, in the days of His flesh, having offered up both petitions and supplications with strong crying and tears to Him who was able to save Him out of death and having been heard because of [His] piety. Heb. 5:7](
It is amazing to read Psa. 22, 109, and 110 and see how David typifies the suffering Christ passing through His death, and his prayer concerning his sufferings typifies Christ’s prayer. On one hand, David typifies Christ as the King with the kingdom; on the other hand, he typifies Christ as the suffering One, […]
See that David Typifies Christ, the Real David, and that Christ is the Greater David

Hallelujah for our wonderful Christ, the real David; Christ is the greater David, the reality of king David, the King who really brings in the kingdom of God! This week in our crystallization study of the books of 1 and 2 Samuel we come to a wonderful crystal entitled, David Typifying Christ, the Real […]
Enjoy the Mingling of Divinity with Humanity as we Come forward to God in Christ

The spiritual interpretation and application of the Ark of the Testimony is deep and profound, for the acacia wood overlaid with God signifies the mingling of divinity with humanity which is strong in character and high in standard, and the lid of the ark signifies Christ as the meeting place of God and His […]