Pour out our Soul before the Lord in the Midst of Bitterness to be Produced as Overcomers

 Hannah’s experience in 1 Sam 1 shows that we need to pour out our soul before the Lord in the midst of our bitterness, and the Lord will have a way to produce us as His overcomers. The first chapter of 1 Samuel is so significant and applicable in our Christian experience, for here […]

The Hannah Ministry: Pray for the Man-child to Bring in the Kingdom with Christ as the King

 The first book of Samuel for a ministry that brings in the King with His kingdom; we may call this “the Hannah ministry”, which is different from the ministry of Peninah, for it is through the ministry of such like Hannah that the King with the kingdom can be brought in. Amen! In particular, […]

Looking to the Lord for a New Revival that will Turn this Age to the Age of the Kingdom

 As believers in Christ who see what is in God’s heart and how He wants to end this age, we look to the Lord for a new revival that will turn this age from the age of the church to the age of the King with His kingdom. What we see happening in Judges […]

God Motivates us to Echo His Heart’s Desire in Prayer to Cooperate with Him for His Purpose

 Hallelujah, God motivates us to echo His heart’s desire in prayer so that we may cooperate with Him for the fulfillment of His purpose, in the principle of incarnation! The God who motivated Hannah to pray the prayer that cooperated with God and issued in the bringing forth of Samuel now also works in […]

Seeing that the Triune God is Involved with us, we Pray Prevailing Prayers for God’s Goal

 Our present situation and God’s need today are the same in principle as the situation and the need in the time of Samuel; we need to see that the Triune God is involved with us so that we may cooperate with the Divine Trinity to bring in the kingdom of God. Why did our […]

The Triune God with His Embodiment and Redemption is Involved with bringing in the Kingdom

 We need to see, at least as a glimpse, the Divine Trinity and the sovereign hand of the Lord in 1 and 2 Samuel, and how the Triune God with His embodiment and redemption was fully involved with bringing forth Samuel and David so that the kingdom of God may be brought in. The […]

Remain on the Line of life and Cooperate with God for the Fulfilment of His Purpose

 In reading 1 and 2 Samuel we see many who cooperated with God for the fulfilment of His purpose; we need to be those who remain on the line of life and cooperate with God for the fulfilment of His purpose on earth, that is to gain a kingdom for His rule. Satan knows […]