Gifted Persons Perfect the Saints to Function for the Building up of the Body of Christ

 Christ gave gifts to the Body, and the gifted persons perfect the saints, nourishing them according to the tree of life and perfecting them in their function, so that the perfected saints may do the work of the ministry unto the building up of the Body of Christ. It is amazing to realize that […]

By His Universal Travelling, Christ led us Captive and Gave us as Gifts to the Body!

 It is amazing to realize that, through His universal travelling in His ascension, Christ let as captives those who had been taken captive by Satan and made them gifts to His Body; He descended from heaven, descended to Hades, was raised to the earth, and ascended to the third heavens, and by His universal […]

Live a Miraculous yet Normal Life having Spiritual Experiences that Match the Church Life

 We need to love the Lord Jesus in incorruptibility in the spiritual experiences that match the church life as unveiled in the book of Ephesians. The book of Ephesians ends with, The grace of the Lord be with those who love the Lord Jesus in incorruptibility. The conclusion of the entire book is that […]

Loving the Lord by Doing the Work of the Ministry to Build up the Body of Christ

 We need to love the Lord in incorruptibility by doing the work of the ministry for the building up of the Body of Christ; the work of the building up of the Body of Christ, as seen in Eph. 4, is eternal and glorious. Amen! Paul’s epistle to the Ephesians unveils the highest revelation […]

Loving the Lord under the Genuine Ministry to Enjoy Him as Grace and be His Testimony

 May we be those who are loving the Lord under the genuine ministry that betroths us to Christ so that we may enjoy Him as grace and become His testimony on earth! Paul’s blessing at the end of his epistle to the Ephesians foreshadows a problem that would arise later in Ephesus: the love […]

Called more Strongly to Live within the Veil through the Cross after Resurrection

 As lovers of Christ in the progressive stages of enjoying and experiencing Christ in the divine romance, we are called more strongly to live within the veil through the cross after resurrection; we’re becoming heavenly bodies full of light, even the same as Christ in life, nature, expression, and function, and though we are […]

Having a Personal and Affectionate, Private and Spiritual Love Relationship with Christ

 As believers in Christ and lovers of the Lord, we are drawn to pursue Christ for satisfaction, and we are developing a personal, affectionate, private, and spiritual relationship with the Lord. Amen, Lord Jesus, we love You! This week we come to the topic of, Song of Songs – the Progressive Experience of an […]