Genuine Christian Perfection is under Divine Dispensing for the Building up of the Body

 As believers in Christ, we shall be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect (Matt. 5:48); genuine Christian perfection taught in the New Testament is according to God’s New Testament economy under God’s dispensing for the Body of Christ, that God would gain the New Jerusalem, His ultimate goal. God never intended that man […]

Partaking of the Divine Nature under God’s Dispensing to be Perfect in God’s Love

 In order for us as kingdom people to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect, we need to be perfect in His love, for love is the nature of God’s essence; we need to partake of God’s divine nature and remain under God’s dispensing day by day. God is love – love is […]

Walking in Spirit to Live by the Divine Life to be Perfect as our Heavenly Father

 The Lord Jesus said in Matt. 5:48 that we should be perfected even as our heavenly Father is perfect; we need to let this word expose our utter inability to be perfect and turn to our spirit to live by the divine life of our Father so that we may be perfect and fulfil […]

We Love one another with the Divine Love by Enjoying Christ in the Divine Dispensing

 After the Lord Jesus washed His disciples’ feet in John 13, He gave them a new commandment, which is to love one another even as He loved them; real love is the issue of enjoying Christ in the divine dispensing. Hallelujah! This week in our morning revival we come to the topic of, The […]

Having the Ambition to Wash others’ Feet in Love by being Filled with the Spirit

 We should have the ambition before the Lord to wash others’ feet in love; for this, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit and be in constant fellowship with the Lord, and we need to refresh others’ spirit, in this way maintaining an excellent fellowship with which we shall have the real church […]

Hold to Truth to Grow into Christ, the Head, and Function out of the Head for the Body

 The intrinsic building up of the organic Body of Christ is by the direct building by all the members – into the Head and out of the Head; we need to hold to truth in love and grow up into Him, and out of the Head we will be richly supplied to function in […]

As Building Members, we need Shepherding and Teaching to be Perfected in our Function

 Thank the Lord for His giving of some gifts for the perfecting of the saints unto the work of the ministry for the building up of the Body of Christ by means of shepherding and teaching so that all saints may be perfected! How much we appreciate Him, our dear Head and Lord, who […]