The Lord has a supreme and highest requirement of us all – to be built up with one another in the Triune God. Yes, you may love the saints, you may be spiritual, you may be faithful to the God-ordained practices – things which are good and we must all do – but if you’re […]
The highest and supreme requirement for a Christian is to be built up and be buildable
loving the Lord back and pouring everything we have on Him (sharing from the college age conference)
I can testify that the Lord’s speaking is becoming sweeter and sweeter as time goes by. I feel the truthfulness through His words in the Gospel of John. Praise the Lord – we have a living Christ in us! He is so real and so fresh every day! One of the things that I appreciated […]
The goal of the gospel is to love the Lord Jesus! (sharing from the college-age conference)
Hallelujah – The goal of the gospel is to love the Lord Jesus! The College Age Conference in Wales last weekend was my first conference ever. Although I have been a Christian for many years I am very new to the church life and it is by His great mercy that 6 months ago “He brought some […]
Ask Me about the things to come concerning My sons, and concerning the work of My hands, command Me
This title is a quote from Isaiah 45:11 where it says, Thus says Jehovah, The Holy One of Israel and the One who formed him. Ask Me about the things to come concerning My sons, and concerning the work of My hands, command Me. Everyone who knows God knows that you cannot be haughty or […]
We FIRST need to enjoy the Lord and rest in Him, and THEN we can work together with God!
This is a great spiritual principle in the Bible and in our daily Christian life, and it is based on the fact that God created man not to WORK for Him but for man to be satisfied with God and rest with God! Man’s first day on earth after he was created was God’s rest […]
the creation as a picture of our need for growth in life(sharing from the yp conference in Poland)
O Lord Jesus! O Lord Jesus I love you! O Lord Jesus I love You!!! I am really happy that despite my illness, I could attend the conference! It took four days – but how wonderful it was! Praise the Lord for the saints, for the mutual interceding in prayer for one another! I feel that the […]
degradation comes in when we lose our first love for the Lord, when we have an idol
When we were saved, when we believed into the Lord for the first time, we had eyes for the Lord Jesus only, and we didn’t see anything or anyone else but Him. Actually, when we were saved we entered into a love relationship with the Lord, into a life-union with Him, where we love Him […]