In the recent Poland camp we saw that throughout history, whenever the Lord wanted to establish the training, something major would happen – either a war, a revolution, or a major rebellion in the Lord’s recovery. Whenever the Lord establishes the training to perfect and produce His young overcoming saints, the enemy retaliates and attacks […]
the riots in the UK are not an accident – Satan hates the Training, where the dispensational instrument is produced!
we can be the dispensational instrument that the Lord needs today(sharing from the 2011 Poland camp)
Every year, hundreds of young people from all over the globe travel to a small village in Poland called Male Ciche to consecrate one whole week for the enjoyment of Christ and to be constituted with the Word of God. This year’s conference was no exception, and although the rain was falling all week, this […]
praise the Lord, we young people are engaged to the Lord! We love You, Lord!(Poland camp 2011)
Thank You Lord for giving me the chance to experience my first ever Poland YP Conference this year! Saints, in this camp I have experienced something that I have never did before! It was an eye opening conference that I will always remember. All the messages were very touching and meaningful but I was really […]
it is our privilege and the goal of our life to live for the Lord and be the Nazarites today(2011 Poland camp)
In the past Poland Conference for the Young People, I really enjoyed the Wednesday evening message about the ten plagues – it showed us God’s mercy on the Egyptians. Moreover, we saw that Satan as Pharaoh tried to negotiate with Moses – and same it is these days, Satan wants us to make a compromise! […]
God’s way of saving us from the world is the Lord Jesus Christ and His redemption(Poland camp 2011)
This year’s Poland Conference was unveiling, revealing, exposing, nourishing, transforming, and perfecting. Even though – at first – I was jetlagged, extremely tired and unmotivated, the Lord managed to galvanise my spirit so that I could take in the words spoken by the brothers! This was my first Poland Conference and to top it off, […]
our Lord is wonderful; apart from Him everything in the world is sinful and evil!(Poland camp sharing)
I was very impressed and I thoroughly enjoyed this year’s European Young People’s conference in Poland. This year’s camp really changed my life, and it is such a huge stepping stone for me spiritually to see what the Lord thinks concerning the world… He showed me a vision and enlarged my borders to enjoy more […]
we are all vulnerable to sin: we need to see the consequences to sin and repent and confess our sins
David received the highest revelation in the Old Testament in 2 Sam. 7, where God told him that He will build David a house and He will build Himself into David’s lineage… it is almost unbelievable that a person who has received such a high revelation and has achieved such high experiences can still fall […]