Watch and Pray: Being on the Alert for the Maintaining of Our Prayer Life

Watch and Pray: Being on the Alert for the Maintaining of Our Prayer Life [In the picture: Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak (Matt. 26:41)]

There must be something about prayer that we need to watch with persistence in it, since both the Lord Jesus and Paul charges us to do so.

At the end of Colossians and Ephesians, Paul encourages us to persevere in prayer and pray at every time in spirit – watching unto this in all perseverance (Eph. 6:18)!

This means that for us to have the proper church life, the proper practical Body life, we need to continually pray and watch unto this in all perseverance. Also, for us to know Christ as the centrality and universality of God’s economy as revealed in Colossians, we need to persevere in prayer.

We need to pray all kinds of prayer – loud prayer, silent prayer, long prayers, short prayers, personal or corporate prayer, etc.

And we need to watch unto this – because the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak (Matt. 26:41). Our spirit is willing to pray, but our flesh is weak and even impotent when it comes to prayer.

Our whole being is rather inclined toward sleep than prayer, so the Lord encourages us, Watch and Pray! We need to be awakened from any stupor, any sleep, and be watchful persons, praying at every time in spirit and watching unto this in all perseverance!

Lord Jesus, save us from any spiritual sleep! We come to You, Lord, to wake us up from ANY kind of sleep! May we not sleep spiritually, but rather have a living and active spirit! May we not sleep psychologically, but rather LOVE You, eat Your Word, and desire Your will! Lord, make us those who WATCH and PRAY!

Praying at Every Time in Spirit

Ephesians speaks about the glorious Body of Christ in all its organic aspects, in which all the members have a part and grow together with the growth of God unto the building up of the Body. The way for us to have the Body life, the church life, in reality and practicality, is through prayer.

The way for us to enjoy Christ as the Head of the Body, the firstborn from the dead, the centrality and universality of God’s economy (as revealed in Colossians) is for us to pray (Col. 4:2).

We need to persevere in prayer and not give up! Instead of giving up, we need to have all prayer – short and long prayers, loud and silent prayers, public and private prayers, personal or corporate prayers, all kinds of prayers!

We need to pray at all times in spirit, and watch unto this! Prayer requires our persistence, our insisting to the uttermost, because our natural man, the world, the flesh, Satan, and everything holds us down, holds us back, suppresses and oppresses us, depresses us, and does everything to hinder us from praying.

Let us not give up in prayer but rather pray at every time in spirit, insist, and persist in prayer!

We Need to Watch and Pray!

What does it mean to watch? On the one hand it means to intently look at something or someone, but on the other hand it means to be awake, survey, and keep surveillance by keeping your eyes open. Also, to watch means to be on the alert for any danger or emergency.

Spiritually speaking, to watch means to have the spiritual insight, to discern the stratagems of the devil and to expose his aims and the method of his work. Practically speaking, to watch means to wake up, not to sleep!

We need to watch unto prayer, watch and pray, so that we may not enter into temptation (Matt. 26:41). Our natural being likes to sleep, relax, and take it easy, but the Lord commands us to watch and be on the alert!

We need to watch unto prayer, watch and pray, so that we may not enter into temptation (Matt. 26:41). Our natural being likes to sleep, relax, and take it easy, but the Lord commands us to watch and be on the alert! [In the picture: To be a person who prays unceasingly, we must be watchful persons, persons fully awakened, fighting against our sleeping nature and our sleeping being. ]

To be a person who prays unceasingly, we must be watchful persons, persons fully awakened, fighting against our sleeping nature and our sleeping being.

Just as the disciples who were with the Lord in the garden of Gethsemane fell asleep while He was fighting in prayer, so our whole being is inclined to sleep and not watch!

We may sleep spiritually by having our perception dormant, by not having fellowship with the Lord, and by not having a sensitive conscience.

We may sleep psychologically by being absent in our mind, attention, hearing, and realization, by not loving the Lord, and by having either a strong will apart from God or a weak will in choosing the Lord.

And, especially in the morning, many times we love our sleep, our physical sleep, more than than we love our prayer time with the Lord!

This is why Paul said in Eph. 5:14, Awake, sleeper! Isaiah also said, Arise and shine, and the Lord will shine on you (Isa. 60:1). When we wake up and touch the Lord through prayer, we will see Him and we will beam Him to others (Isa. 60:5).

Being On the Alert for Maintaining our Prayer Life

These last days we see clearly how Satan hates our prayer life. As soon as we come to our set time of prayer, Satan may rise up even the most strangest situation so that we may be distracted and our praying spirit would be affected. For this reason, we need to watch unto prayer, be on the alert for the maintaining of our prayer life.

On the one hand we need to make a vow before the Lord, telling Him that we are serious about our prayer life. On the other hand, we need to keep our set times of prayer and fight for our prayer life.

We need to pray more and more every day, until we will pray unceasingly, and we will pray at every time!

Pray by yourself in the morning, call a brother to pray a little later, pray as you’re on your way to work / school, pray during a 5-minute break time, and pray during your tea break! pray loudly when you walk on the street, pray quietly when you work in the office or when people are around.

Pray to touch the Lord; pray to intercede for the saints; pray for the church; petition to God concerning your prayer life, and pray that the Lord would keep you praying.

We will eventually become like the Lord who, in every situation, “He answered and said, I extol You, Father…” – He was in a continual prayer with the Father!

Lord, we give ourselves to You to be the praying ones. Make us those who watch and pray, those who watch unto prayer. Lord, wake us up from any stupor and from any sleep! We want to have an enriched prayer life and have all kinds of prayer. Lord, we petition You concerning our prayer life. May we be fully awake in our spirit, soul, and body, and watch unto prayer every day! Lord, strengthen us to watch and pray that we may not enter into temptation!

References and Further Reading
  • Sharing inspired from brother Ed Marks’ sharing in this message, and portions in, Perfecting Training (ch. 14, by Witness Lee), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 4 (entitled, Persevering in Prayer).
  • Further reading: The prayer ministry of the church (by Watchman Nee, chapter 5).
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # Stand till ends life’s little day, / Stand for Jesus, come what may, / Stand and fight and watch and pray; / Christian soldier, stand.
    # I hear the Savior say, / “Thy strength indeed is small, / Child of weakness, watch and pray, / Find in Me thine all in all.”
    # Watching with prayer and much self-denial, / I’ll triumph at last, with nothing between.
  • Pictures source: with permission via, Inspiration Unlimited (Prayer and the Lord’s Move set).
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Tara Wellesley
Tara Wellesley
12 years ago


Eph 6:18 By means of all prayer & petition, praying at every time in spirit & watching unto this in all perseverance & petition concerning all the saints.

Matt 26:41 Watch & pray that you may not enter into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

The Lord Jesus started the notion to watch & pray in Matt., then it was developed by Paul. All prayer=short, long, loud, silent, public, &/or private prayer. Watch means to be awake. We are all sleepy by nature. This can be physically, physiologically & spiritually, so we need to persevere so we can hear & our perceptions are alert spiritually. ‘You have to watch unto the general prayer by special petition.’

Lord let us insist & persist at all times so in You we can overcome what ever is holding us down, back, suppressing, oppressing, depressing, & hindering us from prayer. Give us the strength to never to give up!


🙂 blog - E
12 years ago

According to the Lord’s word…we are all sleepy persons. If you do not sleep physically, you sleep spiritually. And many times you sleep psychologically. While I am speaking, some may be sleeping physically while others are sleeping psychologically. This means their mind and their attention and their hearing and their realization are absent. Sometimes you are sleeping spiritually. This means your perception is dormant. To be a person who prays unceasingly you must be a watchful person, a person fully awakened, fighting against your sleeping nature and your sleeping being. How do you fight? By petitioning. Prayer is a general thing; petition is a special, particular thing. You have to watch unto the general prayer by special petition. (Perfecting Training, pp. 168-171)

12 years ago

Oh Lord, save me from my sleepiness!

12 years ago

The secret of living Him has something to do with the matter of watching, of watchfulness. Some may sleep physically, some may sleep physchologically, and others may sleep spiritually. We need to wake up! We need to be watchful, fully awakened and be persistent to fight against our sleeping nature. In this way may we petition concerning all the saints which results in the church life!

Annie Ting
Annie Ting
12 years ago

Lord, cause us to pray at every time in spirit. Be our prayfulness. Be our watchfulness – cause us to be awake, not to sleep. Be our perseverence against anything that hold us down, suppress us, etc. We do not want to just perform an act of praying but BE persons of prayer. Make us You.

Alan Knox
12 years ago

Have you ever read Brother Lawrence's little book The Practice of the Presence of God? In one short section, he talks about seeing everything he does as prayer – communication with God. At times, he and God are communicating between just the two of them. If someone comes up during that time, he no longer sees the other person as interrupting this prayer. He now sees the other person as joining in a (now) three-way conversation between the two people and God – even if the third person doesn't recognize that God is part of the conversation. I thought that was a great insight into "praying always" and "pray without ceasing."


Guest God-man Blogger
12 years ago
Reply to  Alan Knox

I read part of that book. I love how he speaks of getting to know the Lord and converse with Him intimately. But in today's world, when you're not at home all the time (or in the dessert, on the mountain, or in prison) by yourself, but you're surrounded by the so-called "modern world" with its modern distractions, we need to learn to put these distractions away and keep our prayer time with the Lord, focusing on Him! Somehow we need to adapt and work into our schedule (or work our schedule around) the constant prayer, the unceasingly pray, the continual spiritual breathing in of God… Right?

Alan Knox
12 years ago

I definitely think it's good to have times alone with God, where we're speaking and listening to him intently. It's also vitally important that we learn to listen to and to speak with him in the middle of all of those distractions.


12 years ago

Saints, we need to awake from our three-fold sleep! We can be asleep physically, psychologically, and spiritually. We have to WAKE UP and have all prayer at every time in spirit in all perseverance. You have to persist; you have to insist to the uttermost, do not give up. This indicates that it is a battle, there may be something holding you down, holding you back, suppressing, oppressing, depressing, and hindering you. In Matthew 26:41, 'weak' means sleepy, and 'watch' means to not sleep, to stay awake. The matter of being watchful must be a habit. To be a person who prays unceasingly, you must be a watchful person, a person fully awakened, FIGHTING against your sleeping nature and your sleeping being. We fight by petitioning. Strengthen Your people to stay awake Lord!

Katherine Ko
Katherine Ko
12 years ago

Concerning the matter of praying, the spirit is always willing and the flesh is always weak, sleepy, even impotent. So we must RISE UP (by the Lord’s mercy), let Christ SHINE in/on us, and make a vow to the Lord, asking Him to perfect us into a praying person having a daily set times to pray.

Then we need to WATCH the prayer-time by keep it and guarding it to the uttermost, because our natural man, the world, the flesh, Satan and everything opposes and hinders our prayer. Satan hates our prayer life, he daily instigates so many situations to distract us, to bother us, and even to affect our praying spirit. “Lord, give us the spiritual insight to discern the stratagems of the devil and to expose his aims and his method of work and Lord, keep us in the spirit of prayer all day long.”

We are all sleepy persons… We must fight to wake up by praying and petitioning. The more we pray, the more we are awake, and the more we are watchful, until we are able to pray ALL THE TIME, even in our sleep, we can pray and fight against the evil one. “O Lord, perfect us…”

12 years ago


12 years ago

Amen! Lord perfect us more and more in our prayer life! I also enjoy reading and very much enlightened via this note:

12 years ago

It's so true – by nature it's difficult for us to be watchful, while it's easy for us to become "sleepy" even in a spiritual sense. We need to pray and exercise our spirit in order that we can become watchful into pray. May the Lord make us those who are watchful in prayer!

12 years ago

Oh Lord Jesus, we are desperate for You Lord, desperate to be watchful in our prayer. Lord Jesus cause us to watchful, awake and persevering in prayer for Your heart's desire. Give us the spiritual insight to discern the stratagems of the devil. Keep us awake oh Lord, keep us awake oh Lord!

12 years ago

Eph. 6:17-18 is so good for persevering in prayer. "Receive…the sword of the Spirit, which Spirit is the word of God, by means of all prayer and petition, praying at every time in spirit…" We receive the word of God by prayer and it becomes the rich content of our prayer. We receive by praying in spirit, so the spirit becomes the strength of our prayer.

We have had good times praying a phrase as simple as "Your kingdom come." We made this our prayer for the earth, then for our nation, for our city, for districts in our city, for the streets where we live, for the colleges and schools that we or others attend, etc. Rich.