the significance of Christ as the cornerstone for God’s building (Psalm 118)

the significance of Christ as the cornerstone for God's building (Psalm 118)In message 7 in the 2011 Winter Training on, The Crystallization-Study of the Psalms(2), entitled, Christ as the Cornerstone for God’s Building, wow, there is a vision to be seen concerning what Christ as the Cornerstone is! Christ was made the Head of the corner, the cornerstone, by God (see Psa. 118:22-26).

God has two great works in this universe – the work of creation (where Christ is the Creator, but He’s not part of the creation) and the work of building (where Christ is the cornerstone, and He is part of it – He is everything in God’s building).

Christ is the Cornerstone – the significance

What does it mean that Christ is the cornerstone in God’s building? In the Psalms we see that Christ is the refuge rock, the blessed Rock, the protecting rock, the higher rock, the unique rock, the strengthening rock, the habitation rock, the unfailing rock, the salvation rock, and the trusting rock!

Also, He is nine types of stones: the eternal rock, the foundation stone, the living stone, the cornerstone, the precious stone, the topstone, the cleft rock, the crushing stone, and the stone of stumbling! Specifically, brother Andrew Yu was sharing at least 6 aspects in which Christ being the cornerstone is very significant:

1. The highest revelation of Christ in the Psalms is as the cornerstone! In Psalm 110 we see the highest revelation of Christ – Christ as the king, the priest, the warrior, the victor, and the drinker. But in relationship to God’s building, Psalm 118 tells us that Christ is the cornerstone! Without Christ as the cornerstone, the revelation concerning Christ in the whole book of Psalms is not complete. Christ is the Chief Cornerstone!

  1. In the Lord Jesus’ last speaking / discourse in Jerusalem, His mind was on Christ as the cornerstone (see Matt. 21-22).

It’s almost like the whole of last week of the Lord’s human living was the playing out of Psalm 118, starting with the people welcoming Him with, Hosanna! – and ending with the Lord’s conclusion, You will not see Me until you say, Blessed is the One who comes in the name of the Lord! In His speaking, Christ referred to Himself as being the stone rejected by the builders (the Jews) but made by God the cornerstone – and this is of the Lord!

  1. Ephesians chapter 2 culminates in the cornerstone – this chapter speaks about us being dead in sins and trespasses, being raised together with Christ, being seated with Him in the heavenly places, being made His masterpiece, Christ annulling all the ordinances through His death, Christ announcing peace, Christ making the Jews and the Gentiles one Body, and Christ giving the gifts to the Body!

The conclusion is – God wants to have a habitation, a dwelling place, in spirit! It is for this habitation and with this habitation in mind, of which Christ is the cornerstone, that all the previous matters happened! Christ passed through all the processes so that He would be the cornerstone for God’s habitation! We need to celebrate Christ as the cornerstone!

  1. In Acts 2, on the day of Pentecost, the gospel message was, Christ is the cornerstone! Peter said, The stone that the builders have rejected has now become the head of the corner – and in no other name is there salvation!

Salvation issues from and originates from Christ as the universal cornerstone for God’s building! Call on the name of the Lord – you will be saved! Christ is our Stone-Savior! When you have the cornerstone, you have the gospel, and you have the salvation!

  1. In 1 Pet. 2 we see that Christ is the Stone and we also are living stones built together into God’s dwelling place. First, Christ Himself is the stone; now we become the living stones – He duplicated Himself so that we can be a duplication of what He is for God’s building!

Deut. 32 says that God is the rock that begets us – this rock regenerates us! He is not only a strengthening rock, a supporting rock, but also a begetting Rock! Christ as the Cornerstone, the Rock, begets us to become living stones to be transformed into a holy priesthood for service!

Christ as the cornerstone is related to our organic salvation including our regeneration, transformation, and our service in God’s economy!

  1. Christ as the cornerstone is referenced and implied in His death, resurrection, ascension, at Pentecost, and at His second coming. In His death, Christ as the stone was rejected by the builders. In His resurrection, this is the day that the Lord has made, Christ was made the cornerstone!

In His resurrection, Christ as the stone has been laid / set in Zion (see Isa. 28, the tested precious stone has been laid in Zion). At Pentecost, Christ is being presented as the cornerstone that the Old Testament priests have rejected. In His second coming, Christ as the cornerstone is welcomed with, Blessed is He who comes in the name of Jehovah! WOW!

All I can say is just… WOW! I am completely amazed, blown away, and all I want to do is “drop my own project” and be involved in God’s project! I want to be one who builds God’s building with Christ as the cornerstone! I am not here for my career, family, future, but for God’s building! I don’t want to reject Christ, the cornerstone, but rather allow Him to “stonify me” by infusing His stone-element into my being until I become like Him, a living stone for God’s building! Lord, gain the building!

[sharing inspired from message 7 in the Crystallization of Psalms (part 2), from the introduction of the message. Hallelujah for the Lord’s up-to-date fresh, new, living, high, deep, and awesome speaking in His recovery! Read more portions from this training via, Crystallization-Study of Psalms(2). Picture source: Jesus Christ, the Cornerstone]
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Sister in the Lord
Sister in the Lord
13 years ago

Amen! It is wonderful to see that in this universe are this two great works – the work of creation and the work of building (where Christ is the cornerstone, and He is part of it – He is everything in God’s building). It is amazing that Christ Himself is the Stone; now we become the living stones – He duplicated Himself so that we can be a duplication of what He is for God’s building! So how could we take care of other things and not for it what is on God's heart…?

History shows Jews rejected the Lord… This same is with the most of the people on the earth right now – every one take care of their "own project of life", even their own way to worship God…. What about God's way? What about the project of His building? O, Lord Jesus, we do not want waste our time any longer, but we want to be those who are absolutely for You and Your building as Noah – following YOUR instructions.

Sister in the Lord
Sister in the Lord
13 years ago

Amen! It is wonderful to see that in this universe are this two great works – the work of creation and the work of building (where Christ is the cornerstone, and He is part of it – He is everything in God’s building). It is amazing that Christ Himself is the Stone; now we become the living stones – He duplicated Himself so that we can be a duplication of what He is for God’s building! So how could we take care of other things and not for it what is on God’s heart…?

History shows Jews rejected the Lord… This same is with the most of the people on the earth right now – every one take care of their “own project of life”, even their own way to worship God…. What about God’s way? What about the project of His building? O, Lord Jesus, we do not want waste our time any longer, but we want to be those who are absolutely for You and Your building as Noah – following YOUR instructions.