The Lord’s Move is in Our Move – He is the Wheel Within the Us as the Wheel

The Lord's Move is in Our Move - He is the Wheel Within the Us as the Wheel [The greatest revelation in Ezekiel 1 is the wheel within the wheel; the wheel within the wheel shows the Lord’s move in our move (Ezek. 1:15-16).]

The greatest revelation in Ezekiel 1 is the wheel within the wheel; the wheel within the wheel shows the Lord’s move in our move (Ezek. 1:15-16).

There is so much to enjoy and see concerning the vision in Ezekiel 1:15-21! The greatest revelation in the first chapter of Ezekiel is the wheel within the wheel (Ezek. 1:15-16).

Christ as the hub (a small wheel) is within us as the rim (the bigger wheel, His expression on earth) causing us to move. The Lord today moves in our move, and apart from man God cannot move on the earth.

This is God’s economy: He does not do anything apart from man, but God works Himself into man and becomes one with man in an organic way, so that when man moves it is because God moves, and in man’s move God moves. This is so real and yet so mysterious!

The most practical way for us to enter into the reality of “the wheel within the wheel” is through prayer – when we pray, the Spirit joins in to help us in our weakness, and He intercedes for us and for all things according to God (Rom. 8:26-27).

In our organic union with the Lord, as we exercise our spirit to touch Him, the Spirit Himself intercedes for us and in us according to God, and we pray the prayer of the Spirit (who is praying in us) for the fulfillment of God’s economy.

Lord, show us the wheel within the wheel! Cause us to see a vision of Your move today. Make us the men who cooperate with You by taking You as the source, the strength, and the supply for our daily living and move. Lord, strengthen us into our inner man to move in Your move and to bring Your move all over the earth.

Praying in a Prayer – the Wheel within the Wheel

James 5:17 continues to be a puzzling verse in the Bible: if you take it as it is written, it seems that Elijah prayed to God earnestly (in all sincerity and honesty) and God listened to him, causing there to be no rain in Israel for 3.5 years.

But literally, it says that Elijah “prayed in a prayer”, which means that there was a prayer that was given to him and he prayed it. In other words, Elijah was so one with God that he didn’t pray his own feelings, thoughts, intentions, moods, desires, or any other motives, purposes, etc but rather he prayed the prayer given to him by the Lord for the accomplishing of His will.

Elijah prayed and God prayed in his prayer – this is why God closed up the heavens for 3.5 years. This is the wheel within a wheel: God’s prayer is inward, hidden, motivating our prayer which is outward, uttered, and then listened to by God!

Today the Spirit joins us as the central wheel within our being, the wheel within a wheel, and motivates us to pray according to God by giving us prayers, feelings, and words to pray (Rom. 8:26-27).

The inner wheel, Christ as the Spirit, is the initiator, the motivator, and the motor, and the outer wheel, us as the many members of the Body of Christ, are the megaphone, the echo chamber, the magnification of that prayer, uttering the prayer according to God’s desire!

The Lord’s move is in Our Move

We as God’s sons and Christ’s believers are the Body of Christ today, the outer wheel which is seen by all men. God today moves in our move, and apart from the Body of Christ God is limited in His move on earth.

God in Christ as the Spirit is the inner wheel in our spirit, the motor, the dynamo, the generator, causing us to move. In the church life today we need to have this “inward motor”, the wheel within a wheel, which causes us to pray and move one with God.

The inner wheel is the motor, the dynamo, the generator, which causes the wheel to move; if our move is genuine, it must be that within our move is the move of the Lord.

The inner wheel is the motor, the dynamo, the generator, which causes the wheel to move; if our move is genuine, it must be that within our move is the move of the Lord.

If our move is genuine, it must be that within our move is the move of the Lord. When Christ as the hub (wheel within a wheel) stops, we stop; when He moves, we as His expression and manifestation also move.

All we need to do is to seek to be in the organic union with the ever-moving and forever-living God, and we will move in His move as He moves in our move (Rom. 1:9; 8:16).

The center of the church life is Christ, and the center of our being is Christ; when we are one with Christ in spirit in a real way, we will pray not for our agenda or a list, but according to what He prays in us.

Everything happens in the mysterious and divine organic union between God and man: God moves, and we move; we move, and God moves.

If the churches don’t move with the Lord, they lose the Lord’s move because there’s no wheel within a wheel. But if all the local churches move with the Lord Jesus, as He moves, He becomes the wheel within the wheel and there will be a great move of the Lord on the earth!

We Need to See the Wheel Within a Wheel

We need to ask the Lord to open our eyes to see the wheel within a wheel – God moving in man, and man moving one with God. If we see that God today moves in our move, and He initiates the move: we simply move one with Him, we will simply pray that we would live all day long one spirit with the Lord.

I have heard numerous testimonies of saints who moved to Europe from the USA, Canada, Taiwan, New Zealand, Australia, etc because they felt the move of the inner wheel towards Europe.

Today the Lord’s ultimate move is to gain Europe. You may say that Christianity was rooted here, there are so many Christians here, etc – but if you look at the general situation, all Europe can boast is “the graves of the prophets who once lived here”.

The Lord needs to gain many young people in Europe who would count the cost and pay the price to be His overcomers, those who will bring Him back. Who will go for the Lord? Who senses the move of the wheel within a wheel, and cooperates to go?

Check with the Lord within you: if He moves, you need to move with Him, and He will move in your move. He will strengthen you, empower you, and fully supply you to move, being the inward dynamo, generator, and motor to meet all your needs.

Open to the Lord, open to the fellowship in the Body, and be one with the Lord in what He intends to do today!

Lord, remove any veils from our eyes that we may see the wheel within a wheel. We don’t want to hinder You or delay You from moving toward the consummation of this age. Keep us in the organic union with God, and make us those who are willing to move whenever You want to move. Lord, move in our move. Move toward Europe. Gain many young ones here who would be absolute for You. Lord, move all over the earth through many thousands of believers who move one with You!

References and Further Reading
  • Sharing inspired from portions in, Life-study of Ezekiel (pp. 97-99), as quoted in the Holy Word for Morning Revival on Prayer and the Lord’s Move, week 5 (entitled, Being One with the Triune God in the Move of the Great Wheel of His Economy).
  • Further reading: ch 3 in, The Two Spirits in Romans; msg. 12 in, Life-study of James.
  • Hymns on this topic:
    # When God wants to move, / He must gain an instrument; / Overcomers separated from the current age. / They have joined themselves / Through His word to His desire. / Overcomers constituted with the Holy Word.
    # Now the Lord’s recovery is everywhere proceeding, / All the churches join in one to give the Lord command.
    # O Lord, grant us the strength to say, / Our will is Yours in every way; / You’d move through us to all the earth, / To show the nations Your unbounded, / Everlasting worth.
  • Pictures source: with permission via, Inspiration Unlimited (Prayer and the Lord’s Move set).
About aGodMan

A God-man is a normal believer in Christ; the author of this article is one who is learning to be a normal Christian, a daily enjoyer of Christ, a living and functioning member in the Body of Christ. Amen, Lord, make us such ones for the building up of the Body of Christ!

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Tara Wellesley
Tara Wellesley
12 years ago


Rom 8:16 The Spirit Himself witnesses with our spirit that we are children of God.

26…In like manner the Spirit also joins in to help us in our weakness, for we do not know for what we should pray as is fitting, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

The greatest revelation in Eze 1 is the wheel within the wheel (vv 15-16)…The wheel is something for moving…The wheel within the wheel is the Lord’s move in our move…He (Ezekiel) did not pray in his feeling, thought, intention, or mood, or in any kind of motivation, arising from circumstances or situations, to fulfil his own purpose. Rather he prayed in the prayer given by the Lord for the accomplishing of His will…a prayer within a prayer. This is the wheel within a wheel…If the church is proper…If the church is genuine, it must be that within our move is the move of the Lord…Nothing can frustrate or stop this kind of move.

Lord let our prayer be fitting & our move be Your move in order that we may see & gain strength from You to carry on moving towards Your hearts desire!


🙂 blog - E
12 years ago

Every wheel has a hub which turns the wheel. If the hub stops, the wheel stops. We may say that the hub is the little wheel within the rim of the big wheel. The big wheel turns because the little wheel is being turned. In the church life, the Lord Jesus is the hub—the wheel within the wheel—and we are the rim. If the churches do not move with the Lord, they have no way to go on because there is no wheel within the wheel. But when the churches move with the Lord Jesus, He becomes the wheel within the wheel.

12 years ago

The church sees by going on. The more we go on, the more we see. Today we can only see to a certain extent, but tomorrow we will go on and see more. We Christians should be a moving people, we should move, go on, in order to see. If the wheel were to stop moving, it would stop seeing. According to Ezekiel 1:16, our move should be like a wheel within a wheel. The Lord’s move should be in our move. When God’s people move, God moves in their moving. However, if God’s people do not move, God has no way to move. The way God moves is through prayer. Our prayer should be as that of Elijah in James 5:17. A prayer was first given to him, in which he prayed. He did not pray out of himself, his source in prayer was God (the hub, the inner wheel, as the power for moving), and he prayed for the accomplishing of His will. This is the prayer within a prayer, the wheel within a wheel. God is the hub, the inner wheel that moves us as the rim, the outer wheel. We need to move with the Lord in order to go on.

Katherine Ko
Katherine Ko
12 years ago

The greatest revelation in Ezekiel 1 is the wheel within the wheel. The inner wheel is the motor, the dynamo, the generator. Christ, the hub, is the inner wheel. This inner wheel is the motor, the source of God’s move. When the hub stops, the wheel stops. The big wheel (the rim) turns because the little wheel (hub) is being turned. The moving wheel signifies the Lord’s move and our move. The wheel within the wheel is the Lord’s move in our move. God moves in our move. If we do not move, God has no way to move.

This can be illustrated by Elijah’s prayer in James 5:17. Elijah earnestly prayed because he received a burden from the Lord to pray in a particular way to accomplish His will. He did not pray in his feeling, thought, intention, or mood, or in any kind of motivation, arising from circumstances or situations, to fulfill his own purpose. He prayed in the prayer given to him by the Lord. This kind of prayer was initiated by God, hence it is the wheel within the wheel.

We should never despise the genuine move of the Lord, rather we should participate in it. Nothing can frustrate or stop of this kind of move. Today the Lord is the Spirit within our spirit (Rom 8:16), we should pay attention to His moving. When He moves, we move with Him. This is the way to go on. Hallelujah!

Marites Arisaka on F
12 years ago

if we have the wheel with coordination, the Lord follows us, we followed the Spirit and the Spirit is in the wheels, wheels represents the activity the move of the Lord. today the wheels is the churches with Christ as their hub,Christ is the hub, and the churches are the rim. without Christ there is no center. but without the church there is no circumference.without Christ there is no hub, without the church there is no rim. for us to move the wheel. we both need the hub, and the rim. Amen..O Lord.

12 years ago

Wonderful… for i am study on thie portion of word…but it give me much more clear picture…thanks!

Sonia T.
Sonia T.
8 years ago

Amen! He is the source of the power supply,also the motor, the maintenance, our all and in all, we can’t move without Christ!

Laura R.
Laura R.
8 years ago

Amen ??

Manon-og J
Manon-og J
8 years ago


Beverly B
Beverly B
8 years ago
