In 2 Cor. 5:9 we see that Paul had an ambition, a strong determination, to gain the honor of being well-pleasing to God. As ambassadors of Christ, we need to seek to be well-pleasing to God by living to Him. On the one hand, we shouldn’t be ambitious persons, especially ambitious for position or glory. […]
As Ambassadors of Christ We Desire to Be Well Pleasing to God by Living to Him
loving the Lord by giving Him the first place in our work and in our speaking

To love the Lord with the first love is to give Christ the first place in everything, and this means that we need to give Christ the first place in our work and in our speaking. Even in working for the Lord, we may do something out of ourselves and with a hidden motive to […]
being a good soldier of Christ Jesus and an athlete contending in the games
In Rev. 18:13 we see that the cargo of the material Babylon is gold and the souls of men. Babylon deals in the souls of men – even today, men sell their soul to their occupation and they neglect God and His eternal destiny. We need to have a job, we need to earn a living, and we need to take care of all the practical aspects of our human life, but we should not sell our soul to Satan! Our soul was created to enjoy God and express God, and we fight for God’s interest on the earth one in soul with all the saints! [continue reading online]