In order for us to take Christ as everything and gain Him in all things, we need to learn to continually deny the self and turn to our spirit; everything we need is in our spirit, for we are joined to the Lord as one spirit, and we simply need to enter into our […]
For us to gain Christ, we need to Continually Deny the Self and Turn to our Spirit
We Exercise the Key of Denying the Self to Lock up the Self and Build up the Church

May the Lord have mercy on us to show us a vision of the self so that we may exercise the key of denying the self to lock up the self in all its expressions and in all situations, for when the self is locked up, the church is built up. It is really the […]
We need to Live in our Spirit by Denying Ourselves and Taking Christ as our Person

If we realise that Christ is our person in our inner man, we will be those taking Christ as our person to live in our spirit in and for the church life today. When we believed into the Lord Jesus and received Him as our Lord and Savior, He came into us not only as […]
Denying the Self by being Dependent on God and on the Body of Christ in Experience

Because the self is the soul declaring independence from God, the self is the greatest problem and frustration to the building up of the Body; we need to be those are dependent on God and on the Body, rejecting ourselves and denying the self for the building up of the church. The origin of the self […]
for the Body to be built up the self needs to be dealt with by the cross

We need to take the lead to know the Body of Christ (of which we are members) and to keep every principle of the Body. The first principle of the Body is the oneness – we need to KEEP the oneness of the Body at any cost. Then, we need to see that the Body […]
the Lord Jesus regards our dependence on Him and not what we can do for Him in our self
The word of the Lord Jesus in Matt. 7:21-23 is very sobering and exposing – many people do works of power in His name, cast out demons in His name, prophesied in His name, but the Lord does not recognize them or know them… We can do a lot of good and great things for the Lord – even miraculous things, with the help of the power of God – but if we do things independently of the Lord, He does not approve or recognize it. How much we need the Lord to shine on us and expose our self in all its good or bad intentions and doings, so that we may deny our self and exercise our spirit to be one with the Lord! [continue reading online]
the experience of the cross deepens both our horizontal and our vertical fellowship in the divine life

These days we are enjoying many portions in the Bible regarding the fellowship of the divine life, which is the fellowship of the Spirit, the fellowship of the apostles, and the fellowship in spirit. This fellowship has two aspects: the horizontal aspect (between us and the other believers) and the vertical aspect (between us and the Triune […]