As we advance in our loving relationship with the Lord, we are hoping to be raptured, leaning on our Beloved, realizing that we depend on the Lord and we depend on His word; we ask our Beloved to make haste to come and set up His sweet and beautiful kingdom which will fill the […]
Leaning on our Beloved, we are Hoping to be Raptured and pray, Come, Lord Jesus!
Our Living God Imparts and Infuses Himself as Light and Life into us by His Speaking

Our God is a speaking God, and by His speaking, God is brought into man and man is brought into God; our life hinges totally upon God’s speaking, for the living God imparts and infuses Himself into us by His speaking, which brings in light and life. Amen! This week in our morning revival […]
Serve God by bearing others’ condition before Him to Speak with a Burden from the Lord

We need to come to the Lord with our toiling and burdens, and He will give us rest; we need to take the Lord’s yoke (the Father’s will) which is easy and His burden (the work to carry out the Father’s will) which is light, and always serve with a burden from the Lord. First […]
Our Priestly Duty is to Pray and Read the Word to have God’s Speaking, His Shining

As believers in Christ, it is our priestly duty to burn the incense and light the lamps, that is, pray and read the word of God, so that the churches may be shining and the lampstand would be bright. The light of the lampstand depends on the strength of our priestly service; if we exercise […]
Only the Lord can Teach: He’s the Man, and the Church takes the position of a Woman

In the eyes of God, the church is a woman and Christ is the Husband, the only One who can speak and teach the word; however, the Roman Catholic Church – the apostate church – is a self-appointed prophetess who teaches and leads the Lord’s slaves astray (see Rev. 2:20). If you love the Lord […]
Seeking God’s Speaking and Leading by Reading the Actual Situation in God’s Light

It is quite impressive to see that the breastplate of judgment for God’s leading was like a heavenly, divine, and spiritual typewriter (or keyboard), and His way of speaking through the breastplate with the Urim and the Thummim is the opposite of what we would expect. We would expect that God would speak to His […]
The Breastplate is Central Point of the Priesthood: God’s Leading is in the Church

This week in our crystallization-study of Exodus we come to the matter of the breastplate – the central and ultimate point of the priesthood. In Exodus 28, when the priesthood is introduced, there’s a great emphasis on the garments the priest wore; these garments signify our living as priests to God – our living must […]