The Christian life is a life of gaining Christ in His all-inclusiveness; for this, we need to forget and even forsake the past experiences of Christ and stretch forward to gain Him in a fresh way, paying the price to gain Christ right now, today. We want to be such ones; we want to […]
Live a Life of Gaining Christ in His All-Inclusiveness: Forget and Stretch Forward!
Practice Fellowship with God in Prayer to Enjoy the Peace of God and have No Anxiety

As believers in Christ, we need to practice fellowship with God in prayer to enjoy the peace of Christ guard our hearts and live a life free of anxiety and full of forbearance. The practical way for us to do all things in Christ as the empowering one is fellowship with God in prayer, […]
Like Paul, we have the Aspiration to Gain Christ and be Found in Christ by All Men

Paul’s desire was to be found in Christ, not having his own righteousness but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is out of God and based on faith (Phil. 3:9). In the past, Paul was found by everyone in the law; he pursued the righteousness that came out of the law, […]
As we Suffer the Loss of all things on account of Christ, we Gain Christ and Enjoy Him

When we see the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, we drop all other things for Him; we gain Christ by suffering the loss of all things that were once a gain for us and by counting them as refuse. If we were to get into the depths of Paul’s thought in Phil. 3:7-8, where […]
On Account of the Excellency of Christ we suffer the Loss of All things to Gain Him

Philippians 3 shows us that on account of the excellency of the knowledge of Christ, Paul counted all things to be loss; he placed great value on this excellency of Christ Jesus his Lord, and because of this, he counted all loss. The more we know Christ, the more we have the revelation of Christ […]
Knowing and Appreciating Christ in His Excellency and Supreme Preciousness

We need to see a vision of the excellency of Christ. Paul saw it, and for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ he considered all other things (even good things) to be refuse, so that he may gain Christ (Phil. 3:7-8). We may still treasure and desire other things today, but when Christ is […]
having a sweeter experience of the house of God as we experience God’s faithfulness
In God’s economy God wants that Christ would be our all in all – He is faithful to call us into the fellowship of His Son (1 Cor. 1:9). But for Christ to be our all we need that all we have and are in our natural man would be stripped away. We are full of ourselves, so natural, and with no element of Christ in us – we need to be reorganized, reconstituted, and remodelled with God! This is why God allows things to happen in our life, things that are not so pleasant or sweet, so that we may be reconstituted with Christ and may enjoy Him only! He wants to strip us of our idols, our ambition, our self-confidence, and our self-sufficiency, that we may enjoy Him! [continue reading online and leave your comment / portion of enjoyment]