In order for us as kingdom people to be perfect as our heavenly Father is perfect, we need to be perfect in His love, for love is the nature of God’s essence; we need to partake of God’s divine nature and remain under God’s dispensing day by day. God is love – love is […]
Partaking of the Divine Nature under God’s Dispensing to be Perfect in God’s Love
As Children of God we Love the Lord in the Divine Things with an Incorruptible Love

As those who have been born of God with His life and nature, we should love the Lord Jesus in all the divine, spiritual, heavenly, and incorruptible things revealed in the book of Ephesians. Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christ in incorruptibility (Eph. 6:24). This is to love Him not […]
Treasuring the New Testament Blessings and having the Fullness of the Blessing of Christ

As believers in Christ we need to treasure and focus on the New Testament blessings, and we need to be like Paul, experiencing the fullness of the blessing of Christ (Rom. 15:29). Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in […]
Living by the Divine Life, with an Uplifted Humanity, by the Cross in the Church life

It is so amazing to realize that the church is not only the gathering of God’s called out ones but also an organism with two lives and two natures – the human nature and the divine nature, and therefore we should be those living by the divine life in the church life today. The epistle […]
The Golden Lampstand Signifies the Triune God and the Church as God’s Expression

After seeing the significance and application of the ark of the testimony with its propitiation cover and the table of the bread of the presence, this week we are getting into the deeper significance of the golden lampstand. In our crystallization-study of Exodus we want to see not only the types and meaning of these […]
our life relationship with God can never be broken, but our fellowship with Him can be interrupted…

Once you’re born of someone, you cannot be unborn; once you’re born of God with the divine life and nature, whatever you do, you cannot be un-born! Our life-relationship with God cannot be broken – we are and will always be His children in life and nature, partaking of all that He is! Our life […]